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    What a shame that a black man has the balls to tell the truth, but, he’s excoriated by the Democrat plantation dwelling slugs, that are terrified of a free thinking black man, that doesn’t tow the black stereotypical character line. I’m sure YOUR pastor is “progressive”. You sure wouldn’t want to hear any nonsense that

    What an idiotic article. Bwahahaha. I haven’t seen one word about how the cultural appropriation fool looks. This Irishman, trying to make Latinos think he has Mexican ancestry, is dangerous with his Socialist agendas of no borders, illegals over citizens, anti America, anti law enforcement (with his past I see why) fr

    Jack Mirkinson, you are a special case of dumbass. Your butthurt & black heart are shining brightly. You stupid fool. Trump hired AR on numerous occassions, so, yes, she did work for him. His recognition of AF was very good, and, appropriate. The only thing not appropriate are ignorant dumbasses full of Trump Derangeme

    People complaining about Trump are nothing but huge hypocrits. Under Trump, 1900 kids have been affected & they’re working to resolve the problem. Under your King Obama, 89,000 kids were separated. Did you hear that?? 89,000 kids had exactly the same thing done to them, and, NOT ONE WORD FROM ANYONE! Please forgive rat

    I’ve seen this happen in real life in the mid 70s. Worked out very well for her. But, you’re offended. Being a SJW, of course you are, it’s your job. Maybe, they should make a docudrama showing the problems obese people go through. Or, hang out in an ER, showing the medical emergencies that happen because of obesity,

    It’s because sensible people know if everyone was judged strictly on what they did as a teenager, there wouldn’t be one person unscathed. It was also a “shout out” to the “everything offends me” dumbass SJWs, that think anything they don’t like is racist, homophobic, whatever phobe you want to use. The ovation was to r

    It would be insane to permanently house a MLB team in Mexico. They’d immediately be targets for kidnapping.

    I’m sick & tired of everytime anything as this happens the bottom of the barrel turns it into a racial issue. I’m sure every day of the week something as this happens with the races reversed. Where are those stories, racebaiters? Just what I thought. Well, this time you’re pitting a person that holds a leadership posi

    Haha. Butt hurt, loser liberals, are still so funny to watch, or, listen too. They’re filled with such hate it brings the real side of them out. I cannot wait until the midterms & 2020. I think we will actually witness liberals heads exploding shit all over American sidewalks. Now, THAT would make a great show.

    Yeah, amazing how not breaking the law works out. Such a novel idea.

    So, you’re against safety for America, and, for rewriting/destroying history. Your ISIS buddies must love you.

    Since Murdoch’s liberal sons & their uber militant liberal wives have started running Fox News the past year, or, so, FN has been going to hell. They’re doing their best to try to make FN as liberal as possible. They continue with that puke Shepard Smith & they have more liberal guests than conservative & almost as

    Maxine Waters is an ignorant dumbass racist. But, thank you author for taking the MW route, and, professing your ignorant, dumbass, racist self.

    Liberals are such whiney pussys. And, terrible losers.

    Haha. Typical idiots at CNN. They call the nonsense that comes out of their mouths “news”, while they call actual truths & facts right wing propaganda. Do they even realize the term fake news was created because of their outrageous lying reports? Hahaha.

    I absolutely love reading all these comments from butt hurt, loser liberals. Keep up with the bullshit flowing from your mouths. It’s gonna be flowing for years to come. Hahaha.

    On DVR frame by frame, Stevens knee did NOT make contact with Emmett’s head. Of the elbows landed, one looked to be illegal. The other 2 landed where they did because Emmett moved his head after Stevens let the elbows fly. In other words, Emmett was moving his head to purposely have the elbows hit him in the side/back

    Holy crap, we know how screwed up you are when you’re taking advice from David Hogg.

    Hey, that’s exactly what Hitler, and, everyother dictator in the world said. I see you’re in the company of your homies. Well, you & the Democrat party are.

    Haha. He has no problem with hunting rifles, huh? Well, the AR15 platform is the most popular hunting rifle in Texas. So, he either doesn’t know what he’s talking about, or, he just likes to defeat his own argument. Someone needs to tell ol Chipper the 2nd ammendment has nothing to do with hunting. While your at it,