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    Impossible to get anything out of an article when it’s written by smartass racist, that obviously continues to suck on the liberal teat of the Democrat plantation masters. Drop the racism, lies, breakaway, and, become an actual free person.

    Maybe it has something to do with that “shall not be infringed upon” that describes in plain English what American’s 2nd Ammendment rights are. 

    They do show disturbingly ugly videos everyday. They cover Democrats everyday.

    I’m good with the base model. Something I thought I’d never hear coming out of my mouth.

    Why would “anyone” that just wants to watch sports be happy with their sports program being hijacked by some ignorant racist? They wouldn’t be & that’s why ESPN’s ratings plummeted. Same thing would happen if a news person tuned into CNN & all they talked about was sports. Okay, bad example using CNN, as their recent r

    But, the underlying theme of her violent side has been there all along. At least that’s how I interpreted his comment.

    You might want to try leaving those toxic femanism views to the side for awhile & try the happy side of life.

    Just what Chicago needs, another sleazy criminal politician. 

    And, I suppose you’re out there lobbying for Hillary Clinton, the FBI players, Loretta Lynch, etc., to get their just treatment for conspiring, lieing, cheating...?

    Her daughter’s probably celebrating, the way she admits hating to go to class. Gives her a way out without dropping out on her own.

    Nice picture of a photo bomb with the POTUS. But, where’s the picture of Obama actually palling around with Louis Farrakhan, his anti America, pro Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood, good buddy?

    Who is this idiotic author that knows nothing about Jesse Watters? He’s kidding, dumbass. You know, a joke. You liberal fools are so easy to punk, because, you’re always on the ready to find something to be offended about. Watters knows how to push your buttons & you’re always so eager to take the bait. While you’re be

    Sounds like you aren’t leaning heavy enough.

    It’s pretty obvious there are more FACTS to this case that the author “forgot” to include. Sorry, but, there’s not a jury in any section of this country that would convict her of murder from the case this author chose to let you hear. Stop being sheep with a lead through your nose by believing 100% of anything you read

    Where is your Applebee’s at that has a $20 entree? 2 for $20 maybe. Or, are you including appetizer, entree, dessert, & drinks?

    Applebee’s is at minimum ad good as Chilis. I go to both. I don’t understand the negative reviews on here for Applebee’s. I’ve never had a bad experience at one. In fact, they have good food at fair prices. I wish these negative reviews would state the locations of these bad Applebee’s. I’ve eaten at them in TX, GA, T

    I don’t know what Applebee’s you go to, but, the ones I’ve gone to have been damn good, on top of having decent prices.

    Also, I’ve been told if your goal is to get S faced quickly, cheaper stuff works quicker than the good stuff. I put out some good money on a pricey Tequila & was told THAT Tequila tasted too refined & smooth, AND, wasn’t “working” on her. She wanted the Jose Cuervo Especial instead, as it “worked” on her much better. A

    Maybe the “pedestrian” booze was purchased for their “pedestrian” friends that accompanied them.

    Show the videos you soulless lying sack of shit. Typical liberal. You find one photograph that captures the instant Kavanaugh turns around, then, a split second later security is all over him, pulling him away. On real news services they show videos from 4 different angles that prove YOU are lying. Your photo is litera