How is it “sub-standard”? It had the legally required equipment. By definition, it met the standard.
How is it “sub-standard”? It had the legally required equipment. By definition, it met the standard.
You’re frustrated that others refuse to allow their constitutional rights to be trampled? Weird.
The words “shall not be infringed” ring clear. I don’t know you, or where you’re from, but the second amendment has nothing to do with hunting deer, elk, hogs, or any other big game. It has everything to do with overthrowing tyrannical governments who assault the freedoms of the citizens whose power it comes from. If…
Well, it is accurate, you’re anti gun. The second amendment is pretty clearly defined. Just as the first amendment is, a piece of parchment and a quill pen in 1776, or a Iphone today. Both are equally protected, a musket, and an AR-15 should also be equally protected.
Im going to laugh when it's primarily boomers owning these cars anyway. Who else has the money for a 2 seat, non-premium car at the drop of a hat like this. Retirees burning through their savings accounts so their beatnik kids don't get any inheritance, that's who.
Are they going to display The Hondells at that museum too?
Right? It is probably nearing a decade since I watched anything on ESPN other than live sports with any consistency. And that includes 30 for 30, which I’ve caught on demand sporadically over the years.
You clearly have not watched the show to carefully. She’s been revealing herself as this entitled would-be ruler, who would stop at nothing to gain the submission of her people, be it through “love” or “fear”. She’s attempted to justify her actions of burning people alive, crucifying an entire city, and letting her…
Yeah, it’s not some “angry woman trope” issue here. Because of the sped up plot of the last two seasons they didn’t really do a good job of developing just why Daenarys loses it in that exact moment, but the seeds of her going “Mad Queen” had been laid out throughout the show. Also, it’s not because she’s a woman so…
because clearly the season 2 quote, “i am dany targ and will take what is mine through fire and blood” gave us NO foreshadowing. nor did the parallels betwen her dad killing ned’s dad and brother and her killing sam’s dad and brother. not to mention all the stuff in between those 2 CLEAR indicators.
...except she’s getting paid while people are losing either valuable vacation time or valuable unpaid personal time.
The difference is that she is getting paid to be inconvenienced while everyone else paid for the pleasure.
If you don’t want to deal with annoyed customers, don’t take a job where your primary duty is dealing with customers in an industry where they are often annoyed.
No, this is like going to your job as a flight attendant, being delayed - as is common in your job, and dealing with people making shit jokes as part of your job. Because it’s your job.
He was then rebooked on another airline and made his destination 2 hours before that original Southwest flight took off.
This broadly speaks to one of my pet peeves in life: Don’t talk to me the first time like you’ve already told me three times. In any situation. The flight attendant should start off with a polite but firm “I understand that you’re joking, but federal regulations forbid me from giving free alcohol for any reason, so…
The crowd standing up for the person would lead me to believe he’s not at fault in this situation.
Ageism my ass. I was a young person once and if present (old) me met past (young) me, present me would slap some goddamned sense into past me. It comes with the territory.
I just had an an encounter not unlike this one. Only it was with a nurse, over the phone, trying to get my THREE DAY LATE chemo drug sent to the pharmacy. She is very young too, and I’m sick of these ‘children’ getting all ‘extra’ when they aren’t in complete control of a situation. They don’t know how to handle even…
I’m guessing there’s more to the story (there often is when someone is claiming to be victimized in a baffling manner by a company, but certainly not always), but I’m also guessing whatever the more to the story is doesn’t justify calling the cops and getting the guy thrown off the plane.