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    I doubt she’d tell him to shut up because he’s black. She’d never tell her black son to shut up because he’s black. Looks like you’re wrong, again. Oh, what a surprise. Not!!!

    Really? LI is a 3rd degree black belt, that also carries. She’s waiting, Ellen. Haha. She will NEVER come out from her hole.

    No. He should shut up because he’s an ignorant fool. It really is that simple. But, I understand. You’d have your liberal card revoked if you didn’t go to the race card. That’s one of your main talking points. Good for you remembering to throw it in. Good liberal, minding as you do.

    If you don’t know what she’s accomplished at why are you even talking about her? I can assure you she’s extremely more accomplished than dumbass James. Oh, and, you too. Want to see how ignorant & clueless LeBron James is? Put him face to face with Laura Ingraham & get ready for the slaughter. Have your popcorn

    The car looks great. While not everything is “perfect”, I think Ford has done a really good job in carrying the Mustang through the decades. Even with the body changes, these 21st century Mustangs, if able to be sent back to the early 70s, would be recognized as Mustangs. Hot rod guys would go nuts over the “science

    Haha. Get off of your couch pajama boy, then, pull your head out of jet setter Al Gore’s ass, and, go see for yourself how much fun RVs can be. What better way to enjoy your later years than traveling around the country, supporting local economies everywhere you go, while enjoying life to the fullest. RV owners sure