Romostradomus, Splinter Lich

Sort of.

BRB, going to try and get #imwithher trending

Doesn’t change the fact that what he said is correct. I live in MA. I’ve dealt with this moron woman. No. Fucking. Way.

Her “forgiveness” meant nothing. She faced no accountability and what other choice did Cherokee elders have? They have to deal with her, the Democratic Party and the federal government in their fights for funding, sovereignity, etc. They were in no more of a place to refuse her than the Ukrainians were when Trump

This was just Hilldog’s warning shot. Get ready for what comes next.

This was such a stupid post, even for Splinter. Now, is she fucking the marine or not? Answers the question!

Elizabeth Warren lying about something in her past to gain a perceived advantage over others?!?

I’m just shocked someone had sex with her.

Maybe she was fired for being a Native American? She liked to tell people that too back in the day. Splinter’s own Nick Martin rightly called out her “deception” before and today’s skepticism can be directly tied to her past fabrications.

Her husband also claiming to be Cherokee to contribute an “oriental” recipe to a cookbook should be the largest controversy because it’s so off-the-rails insane

I should have done the same lol. Idk what proof he wanted.

Interesting omission in this article; Samuel Little is a black man.

Little is a black man, which most likely explains why most of the victims were black.  Why are you so dead-set on shoehorning a racism angle into this story?  FFS.  

Schiff is an evil idiot.  We all know Sondland was given 2 days to comply.  This is another political stunt by the Democrats.  I hope Republicans take back the House in 2020 when Trump is re-elected.  I am tired of these guys.

Gosh it’s almost like we the American people should start demanding potential Presidential candidates add a “reduce the power of the executive branch” plank to their platform.

This would all be much more dramatic if Trump hadn’t already released the transcript of his call.


But, not a majority of states, or senators.

He’s literally categorized as an independent in the senate, not really sure what kind of proof you’re looking for...