Romostradomus, Splinter Lich

Squashing thought is itself oppressive by definition. Those who don’t recognize that don’t deserve the protections they are eroding with their actions and that they will sorely miss when they no longer have the upper hand. 

Alas, that is the case so much of the time.

“He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster.

Listen up, Sniffler. You now carry a bag. It’s cold season, and you’re some sort of rheumy Victorian child, which means you need a sick kit. Tissues, a zip-loc to stash your used tissues, hand sanitizer, cough drops and nasal spray.

Belichick is an asshole but it's stuff like this that makes him a MAGNIFICENT asshole. 

I saw the Dinwiddie Tokens open for Iron & Wine at The Living Room in 2007.

Every single vegan and vegetarian I have ever met has been either undernourished or fat.

To the extent that it’s really true a painter’s role starts and ends with painting, a driver’s involvement in a lift fare starts and ends with driving someone where they need to go. The difference isn’t really all that much. If it makes you feel better, make the painter an individual worker for a painting company who’s

Which is how the vast majority of both employees and contractors get paid.  Most people who get paid for work, be it hourly, salary, employed or contract, don’t get a breakdown of what their work product is billed at.  If I’m building a house and I hire a guy to paint it, and he wants $2,000 for the work, I pay him

What’s that,  a vicodin between two xanax?

And we always here about “Tony, the guy in Brooklyn who was FORCED to drive for Uber/Lyft full time because.....reasons.”

This, all day.

The biggest single problem I see with all these stories is that Uber and Lyft rushed everything early on, and only now are realizing how they should have been running stuff all along.

If only my job showed me how much I earned for each email I sent

You would think that IF conditions for drivers were so bad that the drivers would simply not show up to their part time gig......

it doesn’t. it’s garbage. three test subjects, two nights, no controls, no nothing. It’s little more than “I have a narrative I want to push so I’ll contrive whatever I can to support it, up to and including playing off of the insecurities of young men.

This is but one (very dramatic underpowered) experiment that suffers from confirmation bias

Brucemeisterrr, The Waynemannn, makin Batarangs, Mr. Bruceski, Senor Bat-a-lat-a-ding-dong, The Batmannnnn, waitin for the light in the skyyyyyy, The Dark Kniiiiiiight, the Caped Crusaderrrrrrrr, with the DIY Batbelt-o-rama, looking for Robinnnnnnn, fighting criiiime, using the Batphoooooooone, Bruuuuuuuce”

Yeah! Hypocritical intolerance, job losses, and fascist groupthink punishments are awesome!