Bernie is like that person who doesn’t have kids but nevertheless wants to tell you how to raise yours.
Bernie is like that person who doesn’t have kids but nevertheless wants to tell you how to raise yours.
This is a remarkably dumb comment. But I’m sure the Amazons and Facebooks and General Motors of the world would LOVE it if there were more barriers to entry to create competing businesses!
Nice story, “journalist”
christ, what a MESS liberals are. It’s almost as if you are trying to hand God Emperor Trump another term. There’s an article about warren claiming she was fired for being pregnant but in another interview claiming her husband made her quit to raise the kid. JUST A MESS!
What is the difference between Democrats and an ostrich with its head in the sand?
The jealousy displayed towards an actual journalist was expected. Instead of being a hot take blogger for some shitty broke blog; maybe try getting a real job?
Let it go, Katherine. Bernie's done.
Obviously, as a CEO of the company she had a large salary. Her kind however, think that the money train is endless and likely spent almost as much as she made saving very little.
Once Theranos went under, no more salary and all those once-valuable shares are now worthless. Hence, no money.
“Where is all that money now if it’s not being spent on legal fees?”
Not everyone, not even a majority of the American public is a progressive screeching austist.
Where is all that money now
Wait, are you saying that a multi-millionaire Hollywood power-player is not the best person to turn to for moral clarity and purity? I for one am shocked!
Aww sweetie. You're just crazy. I'm sorry for how terrible your life must be it seems pathetic.
One of the common symptoms of the mental illness of the extreme left is an obsession with purity, such that it impairs the proper daily functioning of the patient. This is commonly seen in attempts to control the behavior of others in who they are allowed to talk to or associate with. There is often a comorbidity with …
Like, everyone is like a war criminal and stuff
You’re right. That is a revolting image. What is it, like, 8 pixels?
I really doubt Ellen cares either way and probably enjoys his company. But at least we know it bothers you.
Who was holding on to his beer?
So best case, that piece of plywood breaks his fall and he’s fine?