Romostradomus, Splinter Lich

Some of them might not have realized that you’re supposed to treat it like a cigarette in terms of frequency, you just start at a higher level of nicotine and then taper off. It’s probably possible to get a tolerance but puffing continuously on high nic juice will make most people sick.

You’re misinterpreting the statutes in question

If the patio is part of the restaurant, and that jurisdiction prohibits smoking in restaurants, said law also prohibits smoking on the patio. The fact that it’s outside is immaterial 

Well the screen name certainly fits. Nobody’s actually walking around hitting people in the back of the head. What people say they “want” to do and what they otherwise fantasize about doing is not the same as what they genuinely think is ok to do or would do, so you can lighten the fuck up, Francis.

Dear Salty,

I solved this by vaping pepper spray in the offender’s direction. 

Yes it literally is “in” the place of employment. It’s within the boundaries of the premisis where employees have to work.  “In” has more meanings than just “indoors” chief.

Actually, he snuck off to China first.

Are you getting paid by the word?

But the patio isn’t “in” those places. It’s outside. And it certainly doesn’t mean “people shouldn’t be vaping around other diners.”

People are literally working on the patio. The patio is part of the workplace, even though it’s not inside.

This is just utter, dishonest garbage.

Seriously? She isn’t what I’d call a whistle-blower. Who's next? Snowden?  

When encountering a person vaping follow these simple steps:

Just walk up to them and say “Are you Esther Wang?” 

So edgy

This is the stupidest thing I’ve heard today.  Are they going after the chocolate industry next?

*dismissive jerk-off gesture*

They can't go longer than the time it takes to eat a meal without vaping. Because they're addicts. But it's okay, they quit smoking! 

Please crosspost to Jezebel so the teenagers writing there have a rage aneurysm at the idea of anyone daring to tell them they can't vape. 

Dear Sarah,