Romeo Reject

Kinda reminds me of the Fiero. They did up the speedometers like the yanks wanted (IE, they only went up to 85MPH/140KMH), but the car would rather happily run to 150MPH/240KMH with the V6 paired off to the four speed. Instead of having fun hash marks, it would just go up to the end, and then sit there flat.

*Thinks back to Tesla removing features post sale, lying about included features and making accessible offerings virtually impossible to grab*

So, in addition to looking terrible, it’s also unsafe for multiple reasons. Why are we even arguing this again?

I’ll be amazed if they lose. They are technically bringing in passenger vans. That the seats will probably get taken out of most of them isn’t Ford’s concern - they were imported that way, and as they said, they are legal rear seats.

That is what they did, just FYI. Seats vs no seats was just a $0 option you picked.

BC bungled things up terribly, it’s been really embarrassing over here. We had them relax restrictions 24 hours before implementing strict ones... While keeping the relaxed restrictions also in place. I think we’re due for a huge increase in rates too, given that we’ve suddenly decided we’re going back to normal in

We already have them on the backs of some vehicles here. There’s an ad from WorkSafe BC about slowing down for workers that has a stop sign in one of the incarnations, and a traffic light on the yellow light in one of the other incarnations. They’re frequently put on buses, including the rear end.

Oof, you might be right. I’d like if THQ Nordic or SEGA made a Rock Band/Guitar Hero clone. They’ve both shown themselves to be not-douchebags when it comes to publishing.

  1. Walk to the hardware store/plastics distributor.

But it’s physically impossible to reach the valve stem without putting at least my arm in line with the sidewall?

It ain’t just dealers. Have you looked at Craigslist lately? The whole industry is up.

Yes, because Tesla has shown themselves to be a shining beacon of customer service, so that makes sense...

2nd Gear: No one is arguing that the current high will remain forever. But you’re naïve if you think we’re going back to the prices pre-pandemic. The market has already demonstrated it’s willing to pay more, so prices will naturally move up higher. I’d also be amazed if manufacturers don’t start scaling back rebates

Really? As a taller lad, being able to lean back and stretch my legs out looks like a godsend.

Uh, airplane seats are typically made to be stupid durable, given that they double as the safety equipment. If I’m worrying about a seat breaking, it’s not because it might give someone a nosebleed - it’s because it might out-and-out kill someone. Which is true of every airplane seat.

Agreed. Rock Band was also legit. I’d be AOK with either one making a comeback.

I’ll just come on out and say it: I love 7/11. Any place willing to sell me two chili cheese dogs for $3CAD is worthy of praise.

I love my country, and for the most part, I love my province’s healthcare system, but man did the pandemic really show some chinks in the armour. It seemed like every chance we had to screw up our response, we absolutely did. It wasn’t a good luck for us, by any stretch.

That’s a really good question.