Romeo Reject

Oof, that’s awful. Appreciate the link though.

Already seeing it somewhat even there. I ordered in an air conditioner (Mildly complex bit of equipment) and a leash/harness for my Leopard Gecko (Simplest damn thing on the planet). And my business deals in audiometry equipment (Very complex) where inventory hasn’t been available in months now, because there’s just

Didn’t hear about that. What happened?

Damn Elizabeth, awesome article!

Aye, my wife has that issue at her work too. Not only is the supply super scarce making future orders hard, but it also means any bugger-ups are being clamped down on way harder than they normally would.

Yup, why anyone thinks anyone wants there to be delays is beyond me. Just had a client ream me out because their preorder also won’t arrive on time. Bud, Yamaha doesn’t benefit from not getting you your bike on time. I don’t benefit from not getting you your bike on time. The dealership doesn’t benefit from not

I respond because there’s this neat little notification system on Kinja that tells me when someone is responding to me in turn.

I think you’re confusing apathetic for upset. I don’t care about this lady or her attention-seeking license plate. I’m saying I completely understand why Maine doesn’t want their name on this, and is pulling it as a result.

Yup. The fact the online part naturally conflicts with modding is just one more nail in the coffin for me. I got GTA for free, and I have never once gone online with it. The whole mode is a complete waste to me.

While not mentioned in this article, it also does c0me with an SD or Micro SD slot (Can’t remember which one it was, but PC Gamer’s article mentions it) so you could absolutely get a decent catalogue on there.

Bit of a difference in scale. Each individual cylinder in this car is making about as much horsepower as an SV650 makes in its entirety, and is more enclosed (Less airflow) and has more mass to move.

Yeah, I’m kinda struggling with this too, for the exact same reason.

GTA Online would be right up my alley were it not for the “Online” part. I hate people at the best of times, I sure as hell don’t want them infecting my entertainment.

The fact that your fragile sensibilities are offended by someone else’s speech isn’t the same as being actively harmed by it or put in danger.

Terry Crews’ presence in a movie automatically makes it not shitty. He’s just too fun. Plus he’s apparently a super nice lad, and that makes me happy.

Alcoholics Synonymous is correct: That would be White Chicks, where Terry Crews is utterly amazing.

It already has the wrong transmission, so I’m not fussed if that tranny needs to go. NP, once I chuck in a manual.

The 2029 Ferrari Regulata:

I really wish at a certain point vehicle manufacturers would just start skipping Europe entirely. Still blows my mind that numerous fuel efficient motorbikes got canceled globally simply because Europe wants to throw a hissyfit. If they want to be unique, good for them! Skip them and move on.

That’s not just Harley’s problem. The Zero also doesn’t stand up from throttle input because the motor is so damn small and light that it produces a negligible gyroscopic effect.