Romeo Reject

I mean, to be fair, it makes sense that the right would be super right, given that the majority of the population in Chile is exceedingly left.

I doubt it too, since motorbike manufacturers have successfully railed against a common standard on anything for decades now, but I dare to dream.

I’ve definitely done the “block ‘em in” part before. My tires stick out way past my fenders, so if I pull in at an angle, I can get the truck in, while the rear tire actually sits behind their vehicle.

That screws others though. I want my ire focused exclusively on BMW boy.

While driving an Escape:

Awesome scene, though definitely not my favourite Kevin scene. That honour goes to them all playing Dallas, with it being revealed at the last moment that Kevin has successfully swindled everyone else, effortlessly.

It’s put in to a nuclear reactor to take advantage of the normally wasted extreme heat, in order to produce hydrogen for almost no efficiency loss.

These are the people that I find a way to park beside, even if it takes me ten minutes to nestle up perfectly.

If we’re allowing bikes in the mix as well, I still have a Suzuki VanVan that makes a whopping 16HP at the crank.

Seems like this happens a lot with side companies doing work for another. Endless Space’s worst expansion was also basically unplayable, and was also done by a separate studio.

It also would become inefficient on the bike to have half a dozen (If not more) housings for multiple batteries to be run, as opposed to one or two giant monolithic batteries. Each additional connection is wasted resistance, and each additional housing is wasted weight.

Pllleeeeaaaassse do what whatever it takes to make it street legal here in Canada. It looks so awesome!

Ford Exploder.

Exactly. You gotta give it a gas chamb-

Britain: The Empire that invaded most of the known world for their spices, then decided they didn’t like any of them.

You do realize Zero sells more electric bikes than the rest of the market combined, right? And I’m including the LiveWire and KTMs in that mix.

As is the Canadian way. =P

The very same!

Man, I hope Rolls Royce keeps its styling whenever they do convert to electric, unlike the other brands that insist on electrics “looking electric”. Their cars have such presence, it’d be a shame to lose that.