Romeo Reject

Nice! Yeah, that’s a pretty sweet value, especially considering you’d have a pretty unique bike for the price. Colour me interested.

I assume these are fuel injected? If so... Definitely not a bad option on the table. Would be a little bit of a nightmare for me, given that there’s only a single dealership within 250KM of me, but still... That brown is gorgeous.

They might not make a fortune off you, but so long as you were quick and easy to deal with, they probably still liked you. I’ve had clients I’ve made all of $4 off of (Not hyperbole or a typo) that I still liked, because they were polite and honest. I just recently had a client worth over 100X that amount that I will

Nissan is far from alone in this. Yamaha also pays me out if a user aims for 72 month financing on a quad, instead of picking the dramatically lower 24-60 month rates. It’s a scummy way for manufacturers with lending arms to act, but they do it because it boosts their own profits.

Only things I want from the next Forza Motorsport:

Details details...

Man, fuck that “prankster” with an auger.

Not to mention, for a new rider like this (The Vulcan 500 is an entry-level bike, so the ridership for it is overwhelmingly people just starting out). Toss in a little bit of target fixation - which is a totally reasonable to a tire appearing from the ether - and he did the best he could.

Oof, what the hell are you guys even doing down there? Knock it off.

Yup. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I don’t care what colour your skin is - you try to attack one of the most fortified places in the entire world, there’s a super high likelihood of dying.

They got injured by getting rammed, it’s in the opening paragraph of the article.

Dat pun, doe.

...You mean like I’ve suggested probably half a dozen times in these comments already? I don’t want you to lose the option to order; I just don’t want to lose my option not to.

I just want another SEGA Rally GT game. The one on the Xbox was absolutely brilliant fun.

You mean like what they do, thousands of times a day? Tons of people just straight up buy stuff. Some folks try to negotiate poorly, and end up still paying MSRP. MSRP is extremely common, and the market has already let them know it’s comfortable at that price point. Manufacturers aren’t going to drop that margin for

A bunch of things here:

And again, when there’s no one but the manufacturer to haggle with, you’ve just handed away all discounts. You’re already expected to pay “x” amount, and the more talented hagglers can do it for “x - whatever”. People seem to have it in their head that they’ll get the latter price from the manufacturer, when the

Yep, lots of folks do that. Hell, I did the same thing with my mortgage - I could “add-on” some extra money each term to take up front, and had to pay it back at a cost of .5%APR. I took the $12,500 I borrowed and dumped it in to my TFSA and made 2.5%APR on the money instead (Albeit, got taxed on the $2,500 I put in

Pfft, just clutch dump every time.