Neither: Yes, the opening person bid $1, assuming the others would screw up, it’s not an uncommon tactic in the Price is right. Unfortunately for person number one, person number two didn’t go for a risky, accurate guess, they just did $2, assuming three and four would slug it out, which was pretty likely, considering…
Please see: Quite literally my very first reply to you.
I appreciate the sweetheart comment, but I’m taken there, champ. Anyways, I’d be nervous about dating someone with such obvious short-term memory problems:
Ah, back when Top Gear was a car show first, and an entertainment show second. The good old days.
My favourite one was in the opening bids where the firs contestant bid $1, the second bid $2, and the third bid $3. Bob Barker looked at contestant number three in complete disbelief, as they literally just handed the round to contestant number four, who of course, bid $4.
Ah yes, thank goodness the Democrats have never had an infamous sexual harassment claim besmirch their record...
I also pointed to one of your own politicians, but apparently that was a swing and a miss for you.
Aw man, never sell at a loss! Worst case scenario, hold that bastard for months, because it almost always comes back around eventually.
A. Sorry, I did forget that America is the centre of the world, my apologies, won’t happen again.
I don’t subscribe to any one party, so it’s always hilarious to me when people who act like they’re on the left or right “team” can ignore their own flaws, while calling out the opposition for those same ones.
Wanna bet? Factory Order a car directly from the manufacturer (Not going in to a dealership) and let me know what the manufacturer expects you to pay. I’ll give you a hint: It starts with an “M”, and ends with “SRP”.
[Elon Musk Didn’t Like That]
Oh man... That Hertz to read. I always liked them.
I was really resisting the urge to make that joke, but I’m glad you were amped enough to make it.
Yeah, I daily my motorbike, but you’re right, that amount of gear actually influences what you can do. With non-breathing motorcycle pants and non-breathing leathers, there’s a hard-cap on how long I can spend off the bike before I begin to overheat. I can’t go shopping in them, for example, because I’d have heat…
Super uncommon. Jalopnik and Revzilla are about the only two I remember in the last few years to do so, but I’m positive they were not the only two publications to crash a press vehicle. Which mostly goes to show you how filtered so many other publications truly are.
That’s the right response. Helmets only last one hit. If you’re in an accident, replace it.