Yeah, honestly that section even being in the article brought it down. Oh, your petty friend is pissed off that Glickenhaus can afford to do silly things with his money? Neat. Why the hell is that in the article?
Yeah, honestly that section even being in the article brought it down. Oh, your petty friend is pissed off that Glickenhaus can afford to do silly things with his money? Neat. Why the hell is that in the article?
Why are we suddenly jumping down Glickenhaus’ throat? I love that dude’s company. He could be a boring rich guy, but instead chooses to make interesting, gorgeous cars.
Yep, that and the Prowler were both great examples of that, but they were both one-offs that no one bothered pursuing further. I want to see a brand - take any brand - ground up aim for old-fashioned styling. If options were between “Boring sedan from Dodge” “Boring sedan from Chevy” “Boring sedan from Honda” and “Bori…
The secret is to throw a tarp on it and wait it out, then claim eminent domain.
I wonder where in Vancouver that is... Don’t recognize it.
I love these articles. Keeping an old, outperformed, junky vehicle operational despite the huge time investment is the single most Jalop thing possible. Keep them up!
Nah, even at the small scale, they’re stupidly efficient for power generation:
To me/anyone/anything whose name they used? No. It would be disrespectful to whoever is directly involved in things (The innocent children being burned, in your rather creative example). As someone who is not directly involved with that in any way, it wouldn’t disrespect me on iota. Why would it?
Turbines are very efficient, though only within a laughably small powerband (That’s one of the issues the M1 had an issue with, alongside the fact it was so incredibly loud and obvious, it basically broadcasted its location to any anti-armour weapons in the area). For charging systems, they’d be brilliant, assuming…
This was basically clickbait (Not from Jalopnik, but rather Nissan’s claims themselves). A series hybrid is more efficient than a straight gas engine? Shocking.
It’s worth noting, you can’t get this one for $19K, it’s optioned out from factory, so there is a pretty noticeable jump between it and a new one, even ignoring the other stuff.
I see literally no difference between that and Bosozoku cars. I don’t understand why people adore the latter, but condemn it whenever any other place does it.
...Why don’t we ever return to this styling? I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who doesn’t appreciate the aesthetics of the 30's, 40's and 50's cars. It’s weird that not a single brand has tried to go for the beautiful bodies of that era, paired to modern interiors, drivetrains and chassis technology. Instead they…
As I mentioned elsewhere... Yes. It’s a name. I genuinely could not care less. There’s tons of psychopaths, monsters, gangsters and other scumbags who invariably have my name. Doesn’t mean that reflects on me for having that name. If the next Jeep Cherokee is a horrible SUV that kills 90% of its drivers in freak…
I’m definitely still saying Marge/Tesla is more at fault than the truck here. Even if the truck didn’t signal at all - we’ll completely ignore the fact that we know it was - if you’re going appreciably faster than the traffic you’re trying to merge in to would you not be paying hawk-like attention? People change lanes…
Even in your admittedly ridiculous example, yeah, at the end of the day it’s a name. Unless Canada themselves are doing something stupid or immoral, I don’t care what another group that has named something Canada does.
Which as someone who doesn’t fly the flags of liberals or conservatives, usually means I’m just the enemy of both sides. lol
God of the Universe vs Spooky Centipede? Doesn’t seem particularly fair. =P
Hopefully this time we don’t catch them in a Pokeball, because it never made sense to me that the literal god of the universe could be captured like a common Pidgey.
Fair enough, there’s been no claim to money - you’re completely right. But giving the options of “change the name or else” is still hardly something I can back. This would be like my country freaking out about a vehicle called the Canada. If it doesn’t negatively impact us in any way, shape or form, why tell them to…