Romeo Reject

That would be a completely bespoke design though, and would almost assuredly require a ton of R&D.

Carbon Engineering was the very first one I thought of (With them being a local company and all). They launched their tech years over a decade ago, yet still aren’t to market with it. That they have backing from the private industry and public funding, and still aren’t up and running is a bad sign to me, not a good

Wasn’t for his autocross car (That was an old 3-Series BMW), but his daily driver. You are correct, the Algae produce oils, however it should be noted, that oil itself is the fuel itself. Its fat produces tricylglycerol oil, which is exactly what we want in a biodiesel. It doesn’t produce enough to be financially

I wonder where. I live in a pretty yuppie-focused area, so electric anythings tend to sell well here (I’ve seen dozens of Zeros on the road here, for reference’s sake). I’ve quite literally never seen even a single LiveWire on the road with me.

Does it say somewhere that they weren’t arrested?

He’s an awesome lad. The Jalop all Jalops should aspire to be.

He replaced the electromagnetics with air-solenoids, as the electromagnetic solenoids he was using weren’t up to the task. He wants to go back to electromagnetic ones though, because they’ll be way more efficient, plus you wont have to listen to an air compressor while driving. Plus, the fact the air compressor

At scale like providing fuel for an entire station? Heavens no. At a localized scale? Sure! One of the guys I used to autocross with had his own bioreactor. He could make about a kilogram of fuel per day (Or around 3.5L), which would be enough for the overwhelming majority of the population (Especially considering you

They have tried that, repeatedly, to their credit. But every time they do (V-Rod, Buell, currently with the LiveWire) it blows up in their face. I get why they get tired of throwing tons of R&D on products that won’t sell, because the older population doesn’t want it, and the younger population don’t want to be on

The problem is, I’m sure you’ve also seen the statistics that make that impossible with our current population: Arable land requirements, and elemental requirements.

As below: Corner Stores and Gas Stations also sell food, if your inability to plan for a single day in to the future left you completely without food.


Yeah, my bike is supposed to get about 80MPG. But I think that figure was done assuming we wouldn’t ride like the throttle was an on/off switch.

Eh, less humans would definitely be better for the planet. Less farming, less power requirements, less production, less transportation, less... Everything.

God I hate those shark fins, they ruin the lines of otherwise gorgeous cars. Thank god it’s not on the base spec one.

Ryan over on FortNine described perfectly Harley’s predicament though: Harley buyers. They don’t want modernized anything, and every time in history Harley has tried to do something modern, the market has abandoned them hard. They’re pretty much damned if they do, damned if they don’t, but at least in the latter case

Not to mention, the algae the first commenter mentioned make a literal biofuel. It’s quite literally as simple as “provide nutrients and sunlight, and wait”.

Plus, you know, less humans. Which would be even better for the environment. It’d be the greenest fuel ever!

I do remain dubious of their claim though. They’re not the first to come up with this idea, yet no one else has ever seemed to make it work. I’m not holding my breath here.

Given that range to weight (Cargo Aircraft, Long Haul Trucks), total range (Cargo vessels, Cruise Ships) and downtime to refuel (Passenger Aircraft, Constant use fleets) all remain concerns, it’s naïve to assume battery electrics even can act as a replacement across the board. At the moment, the conversation for those