Romeo Reject

In addition to ahelmus’ link, a motorcycle mag here ran two different YZF-R3's fresh from factory, one following the break in procedure, the other thrashed like it owed them money.

Nuclear generation will likely ramp up over the coming years (As we push for more clean energy), of which hydrogen is a natural byproduct. Additionally, hydrogen can be (Inefficiently) created for countries without nuclear power.

Commercial trucking, constant-use fleets, long-distance aircraft, cargo and cruise ships... There’s a lot of places where hydrogen makes sense. Is it a perfect replacement for batteries? Heavens no, it’s wasteful and pointless on simple commuting vehicles. But the two technologies together could honestly replace 99%

Dramatically more efficient, since the hydrogen is being produced from the nuclear reaction no matter what, the only question is whether or not you’re collecting it in the end.

Much like the debate of Nuclear and Renewables, people keep phrasing this like its an either/or debate, when the reality is both are necessary.

Again, the reason I don’t think heatsoak matters at that speed, is an issue is one of physics: More velocity means more airflow over the radiators, which means more potential cooling potential. I expect at such a ridiculous rate, there’s probably way more cooling available than what the engine could even realistically

In addition to what others have said, kickstarters tended to be one of the worst things for warranty claims and damage. Hell, most of the dedicated offroad bikes have begun to move away from them. I think full on motocross bikes are the only ones that still do.

ABS is pretty easy to deal with when you want. Either gank the fuse, or if you want to be really fancy, they make switch circuits that go in to fuses so you can disable and enable them at your leisure.

Nice! I know Kawi was looking for advice from motorcyclists a couple years back at the bike show. It’s awesome to see that they pretty much listened to everyone, because this is exactly what I heard people asking for.

...Why? Half the fun of TVRs are raucous engine notes and analog driving. Going electric would be the completely wrong fit for TVR.

All I want is smaller fobs. It blows my mind that we still have huge, chunky fobs instead of a thin, smaller fob that could do the same thing. Key fobs should be the size of keychains by now, not some ugly monstrosity that takes up half a pocket.

I don’t think heatsoak is an issue at that speed (The amount of airflow through the rads is probably massive overkill, to the point I suspect the waterpump is probably slowing down to retain some heat in the heads). As for data, anyone is just guessing here, but I’m going to reverse my opinion from the previous hoopla

Yeah, it’s a shame they only used a three mile straight this time. Would’ve been nice to see them hit the original 7 mile run again.

Because Matt is super edgy and cool, everyone.

It’s always hilarious when people who have no idea how difficult something is proclaim it to be easy. Dunning-Kruger Effect in action.

Yep. I have a fairly low opinion of day traders in the first place (I do some trading myself, for disclosure, though I try not to act like a pump-and-dump day trader). But short-sellers? They’re the worst of the worst. They are quite literally parasites hoping to suck whatever blood is left in a declining company.

Full-on race spec motors sometimes do (Though notably, the Judd HK V8 and the Mecacrome V6  - the worst two engines on this list in terms of maintenance - doesn’t require rebuilds until 5000KM of racing, even under their most aggressive tunes, which would be way, way more than one race; That’s enough to do the full 24

Papa John is the bigger car nerd.

Good for them. The last year wasn’t a bad bike by any stretch of the imagination, yet somehow they still felt motivated enough to improve upon it across the board for the new year.

Oof, that’s... Optimistic.