Romeo Reject

The motorcycle dealer I work at has an entire lane of parking about twenty feet away from my door, yet people routinely try to park their vehicles in the middle of the lot, blocking the service bay, my front doors and making it impossible to move any bikes around.

Yeah, this whole preview sounds ridiculously dubious to me. If they launch at those specs and price, well heck, I’ll be right there with cash in hand. But I’ve got a sneaking suspicion they’re pulling the same BS tons of smaller manufacturers do.

If you use PC for gaming, there’s Goldeneye Source. It doesn’t have the campaign, sadly, but it does have the entire multiplayer mode, with all the maps/rules/characters/weapons, and even has new additions for all of those categories.

Yeah, I always tell people if they’re honestly considering a second battery, just do the integrated 7.2 battery instead and save their money.

No to the pricepoint (Though if the Sonders legitimately launches with those stats and that price I will be utterly amazed), but definitely yes to the removable battery, which is what I was replying to.

Which is pretty ironic given the fact they tried for years to kill Lithium Ion hybrids, because those would reduce dependency on Toyota’s production of Nickel Metal Hydride batteries.

I’ve literally never seen an Arduino that cheap, though to be honest, I took it out of the estimate anyways, as it’s probably one of the cheapest components to worry about:

I don’t see it being the issue, to be honest. I suspect the Smart would’ve passed safety regulations anyways (As it’s not like Europe is some backwater local without safety regulations). It might not have excelled at them, but I’m positive it would’ve passed them.

The base FXS isn’t even double the price. Besides that: I didn’t comment regarding price in any way. Gasman said he thought removeable batteries for electric bikes is a winning idea, but it’s not new or unique thing. Even outside of Zero other companies have done hot swap batteries before.

Couple of things: Hot Swap Battery is a yes on the FXS whose stats you’re using, which is the direct comment that was responded to.

I had oodles of money, I’d love to buy a bunch of Banks iDash Monster units so I could see literally everything I could ever want from the vehicle.

Hot-swap batteries have been in the FX and FXS for... God, longer than I’ve been selling Zeros for. So, a while now.

Maybe it’s different where you live, but the Sonders would already require a motorcycle license here. Once someone is willing to put in the work for that, they’re usually looking for something that’ll do more than what a scooter will.

I would presume preproduction or concept. There’s no turn signals on the back, nor a legal rear fender.

...I’m not so sure. I sell electric bikes. And the $29,000CAD model I have outsells the $12,000CAD model several times over. People who are looking at electric bikes typically want them to cover most use cases, which the more expensive bikes can do better than the entry level ones can.

I think the back end isn’t production spec. That rear plate holder isn’t even close to legal either, so it’ll assuredly have to switch to a proper fender with turn signals by launch.

You know you can already do that on the Zero FX and FXS, right?

Good idea, because the posted hardware and the posted stats really don’t line up with one another.

Given the lack of a legal plateholder in the back (That steeply angled anchor point, halfway in to the rear tire is nowhere near legal), and fairly optimistic stats (It can apparently go 30 miles farther than an FXS and on to the same top speed, with a battery pack that is only .4KWH larger and a motor that is 33%

Hardly a new concept. Zero’s been doing that for years now.