What am me, chopped liver?
What am me, chopped liver?
It’s Rabin! Now bring back Sean O’Neil, Tasha Robinson, and Zodiac Motherfucker!
>>Phyllis Dietrichson, the femme fatale to end all femme fatales, seduces a detective and gets him to help her bump off her husband<<
Yeah, and it’s kinda galling that the article goes out of the way to mention that Dior made outfits for the Nazis’ wives, which, while not exactly above reproach, is nowhere near the level of Chanel’s love and work for them - she was a registered Abwehr agent, for Christ sake.
By the look of it, no. Chanel’s “rehabilitation” in the 1950s remains one of the great PR scams of the 20th century, but let’s be clear: Coco Chanel fucked and praised Nazis, eagerly, frequently, and entirely of her own free will, and she was a vicious anti-Semite.
I’m glad this is getting good reviews, because the first trailer really dampened my enthusiasm. It made it look very glossy, with all the stars giving action movie-esque poses. Absolutely loved Band of Brothers, so now I’m hopeful that this will live up to that.
Jeez, every time I think this place is done, something like this turns up. Good stuff. Damn, it’s been too long since I’ve seen this movie.
Yeah, I was over JFK in the fucking 70s. There’s no fucking mystery there. A Marine with a scoped rife, firing from a supported position, shot a dude in the melon at basically point blank range.
There’s also the aspect of more Americans watching TV and media from other countries. Once I got hooked on foreign series, often with a beginning middle and end, just like any normal story-based media, I really couldn’t return to American shows that just treaded indefinite water.
Having seen the piece in Slate before the backlash to it began and having warm feelings towards Martin Short, myself, I remember thinking that the headline (“Why We Keep Putting Up with Martin Short”) seemed odd. It seemed even more so after I read the piece.
Iger is doing PR, badly, but clearly actually knows what’s happening even if he is angry that his spin isn’t the winning one (I’d say because it’s not true but ha ha ha) but Zaslav really appears to have the brains of a fucking mop. He is apparently going to start putting CNN news alerts that are basically ads in the…
I distinctly remember that as the moment I went from, “My feelings about this famous human being are completely neutral” to “Christ, what an asshole.”
Misplaced feelings of nostalgia
I mean she’s not a manic pixie dream girl, just like a well adjusted person in a show about being not that.
I get giving Murray shit over his behavior, but giving Kelis shit about moving on, no matter how soon after her husband dies, is weird. Did you give Patton Oswalt any shit for getting remarried a year after his wife died? And mentioning their age difference would have more of an impact if the youngest age you…
Pageboy is such an excellent title. You know a pun is good when it makes you groan and admire it in equal measure.