
Didn’t take long for Terry Rozier to get recognition on Tree House beer cans.


Swear to God, it was up agsinst Walker, Texas Ranger. Fridays nights. Me an my Da would watch every week.

My grandfather drank Moxie. he did this not because he liked the taste but it was the one thing his kids and grandkids wouldn’t drink it cause it was disgusting.

Remember when a lot of liberals and independents said that a single Supreme Court opening wasn’t enough of a justification for them to vote for Hillary because something, something, being inspired, something, sticking it to the establishment, something, perpetuating the status quo?

Still works in 2018

I’d like to talk about how my boss in a consulting firm once suggested that we have a in gather up and bang some ideas know, a conflab...He’s also the reason that we coined the term “blamestorm”. Feel free to use in place of post mortem.

“John 0:16" was the best sign I saw today at the parade. (Cavs in 4!)

Pitt the Elder!

There’s no way that this incident didn’t stem from an argument over Guns & Roses’ place in the rock pantheon.

where would the tree rank being hit by a car?

One could even say he’s been banished....

Belichick was quoted in the story as saying “Someone get this motherfucking snake off this motherfucking plane.”

Me Hate He.

If Trump is unpopular, why does this cat look like this? If liberalism is popular, why does this cat look like this?

Coincidentally enough, Trump’s visit to Russia was known as ‘A Yellow River Runs Through It’.

Pretty (bad) fly (fishing) for a white guy.

This dude’s name appears when you do the “Black or Mormon?” quiz at the highest difficulty level.