Old enough to write this movie’s script from memory. I’m guessing since you missed this reference, Ace was before your time?
Old enough to write this movie’s script from memory. I’m guessing since you missed this reference, Ace was before your time?
“How much you wanna make a bet I can move this team over them mountains?” - Uncle Mark
Still my all-time favorite entry from WYTS, from 2014:
The team’s Twitter account actually changed their name to the Kardinals after Kingsbury was signed
though he struggled with the pronunciation of Kuznetsov’s name.
Wow. On my list of complaints about that halftime show, I had nipples at number 87, just after “86 - Being hit by a bus”.
I mean yeah but if you’ve ever watched Milwaukee news while not living in Milwaukee, which describes basically everyone in this area since we’re right at the border of the Milwaukee and Green Bay news area, you would think its populated entirely by black people who are laying down suppressing fire for one another at…
My daughter had a soccer game on Memorial Day weekend this year. And the league passed out stickers to all veterans and active military. My dad asked if first responders counted and then took a sticker for himself. My dad is a 66-year old engineer that weighs 400 pounds. When I asked him why he considered himself a…
“I gotta tell you folks, its a scary time out there for young men”
Remember scumbag assholes, in a murder suicide, do the suicide first.
“I feel like you should rastify it about....10% or so.”
Single off Severino.
It was getting old. Roy Moore wouldn't grope it anymore.
Francis can at least take comfort knowing that, somewhere out there, a TSA employee can still taste the worst numbie ever.
The fuck is wrong with flip flops and shorts?
The dart seems to have worked but where did you release him?
I like people who don’t cancel peace summits
ur mom is a functional ball handler