
Apparently, you missed the last part of the last sentence in all caps. I understand. It’s hard to focus when you’re actively turning yourself into a pretzel to center the conversation away from the topic at hand. IN AMERICA.

I made this exact comparison to a friend. She’s not a charismatic narcissist like Joe and Doc, and she bred big cats in the beginning of her career, so she isn’t “pure” enough for people. It’s literally Hillary vs Trump in crazy tiger people form.

Many did not.  Don’t make the mistake of thinking that there’s a sign on the front door warning women that they’re signing up to be mistreated and discriminated against.

Why does anyone work a job they don't like? Because they have to to pay rent and eat

Lacy Chabert works a LOT. She's in every Hallmark Christmas movie that Candace Cameron turns down. It's not high-profile work, but it's steady and lucrative. 

She moonlights as a bartender a couple of nights a week down at TJ Calamity’s in the Old Orchard Mall. 

Lacey is also all over the Hallmark channel. She’s been working non-stop. It’s not Cannes, but she’s not turning tricks in Dubai. 

Police say her shoes were found in the parking lot, and so the child is believed to be barefoot.

I think home schooling needs to be more tightly regulated in this country to prevent this kind of isolation of children based on religion. Make sure parents have to complete some kind of training/certification to teach their kids. This is an issue in a lot of religious communities, including Hasidic Jews - the levels

Everyone has had a crush on Gene Kelly at one point in their lives. He was hot.

A friend’s son loooooooooooved everything about Eurovision, including the outfits and dance routines. It brought him so much joy. Until of course he was bullied for his clothes and backpack by little shits that had been taught that boys don’t like that sort of thing. Most of the kids in his school didn’t bat an eye

Horrendously toxic is pretty apt, but you don’t need to work at a massive company like Google to come across a woman that wants to be a corporate super hero.

As I said, it’s cool girl for grown ups. She’s going to get into the office come hell or high water and snark all year at anyone that called out during a

Another position (which is the one I run into with my Trump-voting female coworker) is that they stay willfully ignorant of the news. They act like the current political climate is just “so toxic” and “so complicated” and so irrelevant to their actual lives that they can’t even bother to care. So when asked about

That’s a truly asinine take...

“...when you’re on vacation somewhere new do you “walk with purpose”?”

When it’s a brag. Cool, cool, cool.

As a soon-to-be mom it takes every fiber of my being to not hate every single one of them. I get that the majority are preyed upon by false information and are holding onto any misguided hope that’s offered. But dammit, I just can’t with them. When it comes down to it they are all just potential poison for my future

January Jones dodged a huge bullet here.  

it really sucked. shitty food, shitty dervice, and the location and decor really weren’t worth it. 

It really wasn’t this elite, it pretended to be, but this article makes it sound extravagant. Annoying and overpriced diner/bar on Union Square, but it wasn’t at all like a club that only lets celebrities in. This author is taking poetic license.