
Liberal Men: We want women to feel safe and we also want them to be direct with us so we can understand what they want.

Yes, I’m sure that disabled people who need to use public transportation can easily uproot their lives and move elsewhere. We all know that disabled people get those big bucks and can just afford to move to wherever. Totally reasonable. 

Not to mention how much of our taxes at the federal level go to providing infrastructure and support to other state governments. You’re welcome, residents of the 39 states that currently operate with a per-capita tax-paid-vs.-Federal-spending surplus.

168 on the 1 is closed for the year. Guess what? That’s the stop for the hospital in Washington Heights. One whole year for elevator repairs. 

If only a ton of jobs weren’t concentrated here and people weren’t born here. If only. 

Or if only NYCers didn’t pay a boatload of taxes so that our schools and public transportation would not be as terrible as they are.... Also, for my line of work, there are few options outside of NYC.


I hate walking on that smooth tile when it’s wet. It’s a death trap even for the sure-footed. They have it in DC Metro stations as well.

The day we didn’t have to eat those imposter Hydrox was a day of pure joy. Except my father refused to allow us to buy them for some period of time because in his mind it was so synonymous with lard that he couldn’t quite wrap his mind around the change. 

Let’s not. Let’s just not have deductibles. Let’s just have real fucking first world health care like every other civilized goddamn country.

She paid $233 WITH INSURANCE? I’m flabberghasted at how utterly FUCKED the system is at perceiving who is committing which crimes in this story!

When I was a kid, chicken butt got an average of 30-60 seconds of laughter every time. The kids aren’t high, that’s just how they are naturally.

Yes, swedish parents get 480 days if they have one child, more if they have multiples. 390 days at 80% of their salary, and 90 days with a small fixed amount. 90 days are earmarked for each parent and can’t be transferred, but otherwise parents can split the parental leave as they like. 

Other than these two all the other main characters are POC 

“In no way am I saying this is her fault, but here’s how it’s her fault.”

Um, no. That’s a fantasy instilled by NRA death cult propagandists.

This is utterly horrifying. We as a society have completely failed on so many levels. We have to respect, listen to, and respond to women. We have to teach men not to be psycho assholes. We have to make it so much harder for the aforementioned psycho assholes to get guns. It’s not going to happen overnight, but we

All I can feel reading this sequence of events is despair, as a woman. Have family and friends who support and worry for you, report for you, and report for yourself, and still no one will help you. And then you’re dead.

I am voting for whatever Democrat makes it to the General Election. I don’t care if they are moderate or so far left they fall off the end of the world. I have had enough of this shit.

If only there was some mechanism by which we could have avoided Donald Trump being the one to choose Supreme Court justices when there is a vacancy. Ah well!