
Does it make you feel better if I tell you that the super in our rental apartment says she’s “Looked into” the leak in our bathroom ceiling and it’s actually "nothing"? As it continues to drip every few weeks and now seems to be spreading? 

I read this really quickly as "Judy Garland would be on the supreme Court" and was like FUCK YEAH PREACH

Yup, the first thing I thought of was the scene when Alexis Bledel is trying to escape with her wife and son, marriage license in hand, and gets told their marriage is no longer valid.

I had black Ken, I think his name was Steve? But also that could have been the name we gave him, since we usually changed their names.

Thank you on nobody using middle names, ever. My mom and sister both legally have their maiden names as middle, and I would be genuinely shocked if anyone outside our immediate family even knows that. It’s not really in practice a way to hold onto anything.

Yup, i know so many”liberal” progressive men who are shocked that anyone even suggest the kids not have their name. And anecdotally, I know multiple women who had originally kept their names after marriage - but when they got pregnant, suddenly the husband’s opinion on the matter changed. The women ended up changing

This 1000x. I grew up in a liberal town in the Northeast, went to one of the most liberal colleges in the country. I now live in NYC and work in media. Of all women friends and co-workers from my whole life who are married, I count 3 who haven’t changed their names (4 including me), and 2 hyphenates. And I know a

I’m pretty sure it was Leslie Grossman who is friends with Ryan Murphy and his crew - I can’t find it now so maybe she deleted or I dreamed it, but I swear she posted a picture an Instagram story of herself in a purple sequined dress saying she was going to Gwyneth and Brad’s engagement party.

I’m sad to admit that this info comes via a celebrity’s Instagram: I am pretty sure it was a big engagement party, not a wedding.

That doesn’t sound like a mini stroke, it sounds almost exactly like my vasovagal syncope fainting spells (like a few others have mentioned). Mine tend to be triggered by dehydration, but they can also come out of nowhere - common triggers are standing too long, dehydration, anxiety, medical procedures. But I’m glad

I have a big contingent of high school friends who went to Williams, Amherst, Hamilton, Colgate, etc. who have complained of this same thing. They got in over some of our other classmates who went to Ivy Leagues but the name recognition outside the Northeast is minimal.

Men feeling entitled to whatever they want from women, treating them like objects, and not getting appropriate sex Ed training is not at all limited to current Gen Z or whatever you want to call them.

Most of the interview took place while he was filming Getty, so they talk a lot about it, as well as his other recent stuff. It’s a cruel headline but in the actual article they do give him a lot of credit for his smaller work over the last couple of years.

We were actually about to buy the queen anyway so I clicked on the link, but it looks like it’s over $200 now? Did the deal run out already?

We were actually about to buy the queen anyway so I clicked on the link, but it looks like it’s over $200 now? Did

In Judaism it’s traditional for both parents to walk the bride down the aisle, and both parents to walk the groom as well. That’s what we did and if we weren’t Jewish, I might have done it anyway because I think the dad only thing is gross AF.

My boss will routinely follow “what is that????” with “it looks disgusting” when she sees my lunch. IDGAF but it’s insane she thinks it’s an acceptable way to behave.

My husband and I are a success story - LD for almost 4 years, now happily married. But I definitely, definitely needed an end in sight (and even with that, the last year was unbearable at times).

I love your NH enthusiasm! Broadly I work in TV (aka big cities only)...more specifically I’m in market research (more transferrable but still probably needs to be adjacent to a biggish city). We’re not sure about kids yet but if we have them, schools would be important. I feel like it’s my impression (apologies if

Moving to NH is an actual dream of mine! As soon as I win the lottery I’ll buy a house and register there..