

I forced myself to read his biography American Lion, and every other page was basically just like, "God, what a DICK."

Yeah, in Team of Rivals I feel like Doris Kearns Goodwin went out of her way to say, "BUT IT WASN'T WEIRD AT THAT TIME, I PROMISE" whenever she spoke about Lincoln's close relationship (including sharing a bed) with his law partner.

Thank you. Come on. Rufus King knows. Not that I approve of Andrew Jackson calling the pair, "Miss Nancy" and "Aunt Fancy," but...

Say hello to your friends! Say hello to the peeeople who care, nothing's better than friends! Cause you know that your friends are alllways theeeeeerrrrrre...

I'm not sure - I do think they usually test regardless, but asking someone "Is there any chance you might be pregnant?" maybe eases the conversation into why they will test anyway. Maybe they just want to be polite!

HAHA. Awesome. I agree.

LOL. I'm not even mad. You kill me, man. You brave dismisser you.

LOL. I'm derailing. Of course. Not you, who is putting weird and somewhat racist motivations into the author's mouth that are absolutely nowhere even implied. No no. You'd never derail.

Unfortunately, I think they need to do that to cover their asses, and a lot of women have no qualms lying to doctors. My best friend is an ER doctor - a young woman came in and said she had never had sex before. They ran a pregnancy test anyway. She was positive, but still insisted there was no way she could be

That sounds like a whooole lotta projection on your part.

I don't think it was the overall point of the piece, if that's what you're saying, but it was one of her points. And I understood it just fine.

I don't think she was saying they are bad reasons. She was saying they are not her reasons.

Well, I agree with everything you said. If that is indeed what the other commenter in question meant to say, they articulated it extremely poorly. I got nothing of the "pay it forward" vibe from anything they said.

All of the shows you mention were also on broadcast networks (well, unless you don't consider the WB to have been a broadcast net, but it definitely would've come with basic cable). (Not to take away from your larger point, because it's totally correct. I am just a nitpicky bitch sometimes.)

I have no idea what that means.

Being hired out of a program aimed towards promoting diversity in television writing is a very different sentence than, "someone handed her a job because they had a diversity salary to blow." Nice edit to make that sound less assholeish, though. And you're still not representing the actual events; her diversity

Also, "working until you get noticed and someone offers you a job" is kinda how everyone without a relative in show business gets their foot in the door. I'm not sure why you're making it sound like Mindy is some special case here.

I'm not weeping for anyone? I'm just not getting why you sound so combative or like you're telling me things I don't know. Actually, you're not even getting her career trajectory right; the Fringe Festival play got her noticed enough that a studio offered her and her writing partner a chance to create their own

Aim away, I will line up right behind you. I don't think the criticism of Mindy is "ridiculous," but I will get behind every effort to call it out where it needs to be called out elsewhere.