Did I say she wasn't strategic or leveraged her experience really well? No...I said she didn't have famous parents, like all the other people listed. She was not "connected" in the same way that all of them were.
Did I say she wasn't strategic or leveraged her experience really well? No...I said she didn't have famous parents, like all the other people listed. She was not "connected" in the same way that all of them were.
Fair enough! But every once in awhile someone should make him stammer out some explanation for the press.
I feel like I'm holding two simultaneous feelings: I 100% agree with you, but I also don't think being a minority woman makes you immune from criticism. When the only other minority on your show is kind of (in my opinion) a borderline ridiculous stereotype, maybe it's time to rethink it. I don't know. But she's…
So...what I said, then? Privilege but not connections. Literally every single person you named has a famous parent (or two).
Mindy's parents were never famous or connected like all of those people you listed. I mean don't get me wrong, "privilege," absolutely, but I don't see how she had "good connections" in the way that all of those others did.
Yup - I actually googled some Game of Thrones images, and the Entertainment Weekly spread they had was reallly similar.
I'm not saying I don't enjoy her pictures; but I feel like most of my enjoyment stems from the subjects. I would <3 any picture of The Princess Bride cast and Patrick/Ian.
I understand that no matter what my opinion is, she's still successful and famous, and I am also no expert in photography, but does anyone else just feel like all of Annie Leibovitz's spreads look kind of the same? They all have the same lighting and tone and expressions to me.
That's HUGE! My sister had an accident years ago and my parents (WITH DENTAL INSURANCE) ended up paying tens of thousands of dollars for her reconstruction, which took years and years. That stuff is SO expensive. What a great doctor and a positive story.
I watched "The Devil's Pass" on Netflix, which is a fictionalized version of an investigation of this. I had no idea til googling that it was based on a real incident, and then totally fell down the Wikipedia hole on it! So weird and creepy.
Looks like Ian's Vampire Diaries co-star Paul Wesley.
Well, theoretically that could also indicate that Grey's is less of a priority for people, and they're making sure to catch Scandal when it's actually on, but that is an interesting factoid as well. I bet its "most popular" status is a lot higher than pretty much any show that has been on for 10 years, though.
I love all the comments of, "THIS IS STILL ON THE AIR?!" Not only is it still on the air, it's still kinda killing it in the ratings. (I realize people place various levels of importance and meaning in ratings, but for context, Grey's was only slightly behind super buzzy talked about Scandal in the ratings last…
It's not for everyone, that's for sure. I went through a Rent phase and I'm pretty over it too. But just structurally, melodically, and everything else wise, it is nothing like Wicked. Idina Menzel's presence doesn't really make the two into similar shows.
I hated that book. But I also don't love the musical. It WISHES it was more like Rent.
Maybe Dorian and Cameron are adopted siblings! I shant lose hope!
They cast Tracie Thoms and Dorian Missick in those roles, I believe...I'm not positive they'll be singing "Easy Street," but I don't know why they would bother casting Tracie (a super amazing singer) if they weren't going to give them a song.
Cameron Diaz is about to lose a TOOTH on that scenery, but hot damn I am so excited about this anyway.
I want to throw things at the screen every time Scarlett comes on. And yeah, her "accent" is so atrociously embarrassing I cringe most of the time she is speaking.