
Seems like in this case there were PLENTY of reasons to speak ill of the dead. You're also conveniently skipping over the whole "we hope this stimulates a national movement....against child abuse" part. Seems like a good deed to have aired this shit out.

"You aren't looking at the whole picture," said the person who also said this: "I view the lack of females behind the scenes as a separate issue that sometimes intertwines with what's broadly produced."

All right, I think I'm done with this. You continue to be all over the place - but for the record, you were explicitly blaming women here: "I'm saying that by going to a shitty and male centric movie not because you want to, but because your male date wanted to, is by default supporting those types of movie. If

I mean, I've understood this point you're trying to make the whole time - I just don't really agree with your assessment. How about this: you can blame women moviegoers for the fact that there aren't as many good quality female centric movies out there.

Ah - soo your argument is pretty much only based on what happens in your life and the lives of those around you. Trust me, there are plenty of women who don't go to see the shitty male centric movies because they don't want to. Your experiences aren't universal, and they aren't data.

I don't see shitty movies. Most of the women I know don't see shitty movies either. "Aimed towards men" doesn't equal "Shitty." I don't want to stop seeing movies as some kind of statement while I wait for Hollywood to greenlight more woman-centric films.

Your argument is flawed, here - when we talk about "support" for movies, purchasing a ticket is the support. It doesn't matter why people are going. So taking that into consideration, your question becomes, why do women support movies aimed towards men, but men don't do the same? Well, as many others have told you,

Your arguments are kind of all over the place. I was primarily addressing when you said, "For some reason, women aren't going to the movies in drones." And yes, they are (or in equal "drones" amounts to men). But you also seem to be saying, okay, women do go to the movies, but it's only to see shitty romances.

Well, I hate to burst this bubble, but this isn't true. Women and men go to the movies in about equal numbers. Women actually go slightly more than men.

I can't imagine living life like that. Hearing about something and thinking, "God, I bet people can't wait to know what I think about this."

I'm watching! I do think it's good but not great. The really good episodes are super entertaining, but there have been a number of boringish ones that I could have skipped without missing much. And while she is funny, sometimes Jackie is too over-the-top to be entertaining to me.

My mom likes to say how lovely and breezy her pregnancies were with both of my sisters, but "You were miserable. I was the sickest I've ever been, for such a long time. Then I got shingles mid-pregnancy and thought I was going to die. I only gained about 18 lbs with you because that's how sick I was the entire

Didn't this all come out in her book, like 6 months ago? Is she still just trying to sell copies or is this press for a new season of Melissa & Joey or something?

There's nothing extra you should have had to fill out - it's definitely VERY unusual that withholdings wouldn't be taken out automatically. Are you able to look at any pay stubs? Those should detail what (if anything) was taken out - medicare, state/federal, whatever. If it really was nothing all year, that's super

Yeah - I actually don't even necessarily think it had to have been an arranged showmance, I think they are probably just really good friends! But yeah she wasn't hiding anything with Clea, that's for damn sure.

So the nasty part of me is a little bit:

But you have the warm bosom of sweet sweet Wegmans to help get you through.


I love those comments, because it says so much more about those idiots' inability to read than anything else. When your third or fourth line is usually something like, "I'm from a small town in Wisconsin" and then they say, "WHY DON'T YOU TRY LIVING IN A SMALL TOWN IN WISCONSIN, HOITY TOITY!" I just shake my head and

It's odd, I do see that attitude in NYC sometimes, but they also RARELY close schools (not today!) and businesses (I am commenting from work!) here. I have to believe most of the people who get really dramatic about it are transplants from warmer climates.