
Oh please, you bratty big city New York people always do this. Why don't you come to a rural small town in the Midwest and see what we deal with every single year? This isn't even a big deal.

I'm obsessed with her wedding collections. Can anyone loan me several thousand dollars and by loan I mean give?

Same except Chinese for us! (And a shitload of wine)

If i could reimagine my life when I'm old, I would probably pick someone hot too.

I saw this movie in the theater with my best friend. The two of us, along with two 75 year old ladies behind us, were cackling with laughter by the end. Everyone around us sobbed.

I love you.

Oh god - wait, you actually thought I was saying narcissist was a big word...? I was being sarcastic - because it's actually a really simple word that you continue to use incorrectly. Hence my utter embarrassment for your misguided crusade.

You're adorable. Your concern is touching. I can tell from your writing that you think you sound really intelligent and you think you're making a really good point, but you're actually just embarrassing yourself.

And you are a delight! Keep reading a little further down next time before commenting, genius!

I just have one question...did you read about 2 inches further down in the comments? Do some scroll action next time!

This is my absolute favorite response yet. Yeah, I'm such a narcissist (do you know what that word actually means?). I'm sooo narcissistic that I put a link in the original comment that if people had clicked, probs would have explained the BSC joke. I'm such a narcissist that I was totally polite to the first

While your response was much nicer and more thoughtful than many others who just called me a bitch, it was equally misguided. Scroll down a little next time!

Congrats on not reading past one post, I suggest a little scrolling action next time.

Yes, but you have to win a game of CharDeeMacDennis first.

HAH. Yeah, maybe that's kind of what came through in the books. Her storylines were never that interesting so I think most people defaulted to a different favorite.

Nahh it wasn't actually a storyline. Just a joke. But I agree Dawn 4eva, she was my fav.

Hey Bitch, this post was a total joke based on references Sara was making in her article. But it's good to know you stick up so passionately for those who are disliked by other girls, I guess?

Oh my. My post was a very sarcastic joke about the Babysitter's Club, based on Sara using the characters in her answers. Apologies for the confusion.

I have a friend issue: this nerdy annoying girl named Mallory won't stop following me and my other friends around. We've tried to make it clear that she's fine but just not going to be accepted into our clique,'s not sticking. To make things more complicated, she's pretty close with this girl Jessi, who we

This is exactly what I thought of! "I'm not good, at making up soooongs!"