Oh no, IMDB also just confirmed Bonnie Blue is no longer with us. She died in 2010 :(
Oh no, IMDB also just confirmed Bonnie Blue is no longer with us. She died in 2010 :(
IMDB says yes! Beau lives.
I was under the impression the main complaint was that whole Chris Brown thing...
There are a couple of others still alive too. I bet I know what happened, because when I read the news, it said specifically, "The oldest surviving cast member from GWTW has passed away," and I thought, what? Olivia de Havilland is still alive you bitches! Then I realized it meant there were still younger surviving…
There are a couple of others still alive too. I bet I know what happened, because when I read the news, it said specifically, "The oldest surviving cast member from GWTW has passed away," and I thought, what? Olivia de Havilland is still alive you bitches! Then I realized it meant there were still younger surviving…
If you believe in the Hollywood rumor mill, the Cuoco/Cavill relationship was a complete and total PR setup. People who are far more devoted than I have done extensive timeline research that shows their "relationship" just doesn't really make sense, based on when they were dating other people (and got back together…
In addition to what others said, birth control isn't just about preventing pregnancy - I was on bc years before becoming sexually active, because my periods were absolutely out of control. I'm sure there are plenty of nuns who go through the same thing.
She's not on the Cape, is she? I thought her NE mansion was in Narragansett, RI. I guess this may not change the substance of your comment, though. I don't know a ton about beach ownership.
I understand that and I agree - my question was more, who is this designer truth serum for? Who will actually be using it? The hawkers/buyers at Canal Street know they are dealing in fakes. Is it for the police? Cause they already know the Canal Street stuff is fake too. Nasty socialites? I'm just not…
Could be. I am only familiar with the street merchandising (a la Canal), but I'm sure there are other markets and hush hush ways of buying the nicer fakes that I am too broke to know about.
Yup. People are not choosing between a real and a fake. They are choosing between a fake or some other non-fake lower priced purse. I understand copyright laws come into play here too, which are important, but they aren't losing clientele to the dregs of Canal Street.
I feel like these people are very confused about who is buying fake handbags and why. They aren't getting scammed into thinking it's the real thing - nearly everyone scoping out the sketchy cavernous closets on Canal street is perfectly aware they're getting a fake. They just want the best looking fake money can…
I have a hard time believing Duck Dynasty is anything but a huge cash cow - it's reality, one of the top rated shows on cable, etc. I just think they probably couldn't escape the scandal because it was an interview the guy gave to GQ, as opposed to racist footage they could just edit out of the show.
Duck Dynasty ratings are huge. Unless the family was being seriously tough during contract negotiations, I'm sure A&E doing anything to mess with the formula was incredibly painful for them.
I was so embarrassed for him when I heard that statement.
You will be greatly missed! I'll tell my TV writer friends in LA to keep an eye out for you :)
I don't think she was ever on that show (IMDB agrees). She was like 16 when it went off the air.
Can you imagine the fucking nationwide rage that would happen if Patrick Shriver Schwarzenegger won the lottery? I'm not making any grand statements or anything...yes, rich people have just as much a right to play as anyone else...but shit, I'd be more than a little bitter.
LOVE IT! I have actually been down the Lizzie Borden Internet dark hole before, and it's a really strange/interesting case. Some law school did a re-trial of the case a few years ago, using evidence/testimony from the original trial, and still found her not guilty. But it seemed more of a "lack of evidence" thing…
Eek, I wish I had gotten to this open thread in time - I was going comment to tell you this movie comes out next week. However, free taco salad = AN AMAZING NIGHT.