
This will probably be identified by anyone who knew me in high school, but I will change names to protect the innocent.

Eh, it is possible to have a non-public pinterest, I don't know that I would call using Pinterest "planning" anything. Isn't it just looking at pretty shit you like?

Oh shit, the Evil Queen and Cruella DeVille palettes are my perfect shades. Must...resist....temptation....

I think her products and business ventures do actually make a lot of money - more than enough for her to live on as she pleases for all time. But she still clearly wants that fame aspect if she's still trying to launch a music career.

That's the thing, I don't even doubt that she is actually an intelligent businesswoman. She just also seems to want the fame aspect reeall bad.

Yeah, I do think this is what the vast majority of them (people born into insane amounts of wealth) do. They're all the socialites you see at the fancy galas they cover in Vanity Fair. 98% of people don't know who the hell they are, but when you google it's like, "____, heir to the _____ fortune." Ah. Of course.

Paris Hilton's life makes me wonder what I would do with mine if I was born into insane amounts of wealth. In general I understand trying to be famous for money, but that can't be her motivation. She just wants the attention. I have to think (and hope) I wouldn't keep trying to claw my way into the spotlight, but

Starring and replying. I am not a fan of people who drive drunk.

I think depressed people are not immune from being narcissists or egocentric. My sisters both deal with depression, and both of them are EXTREMELY problem olympics-y. They have both told me that nothing I ever deal with will be as bad as what they go through because of their struggles with depression. But even when

He sounds like such a pleasure.

Document everything obnoxious he does. Be straightforward and direct. Don't dance around it, saying, "Well, you may wanna work on how you approach people..." Say, "Look, the way you talk to me is unacceptable at this point. For example [list 3 things you have documented him saying/doing]. I need to see a serious

I was also thinking of 30 Rock when Tracy needs to be rescued by Griz and DotCom. Griz picks him up in his arms a la The Bodyguard and Tracy singing "I Will Always Love You" starts playing. I wonder if Bieber sings his own pathetic theme music too?

Yeah, I was kind of floored that it said she was experiencing the stabbing hunched over pain, bleeding, and vomiting for nearly a year before connecting it to the Essure. I guess it doesn't specifically say that she did or did not go to a doctor, but holy shit, if I was experiencing those symptoms, it would take me

Just dismiss. Is it even worth it?

Jesus Christ. I need more coffee. Wow. Faiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllll indeeeeed.

Oh I see what you're saying. I thought people meant they weren't entered at all and I was a little bit uhhhh. Did we watch the same show?

You mean PINKERTON! Plemons is Jesse (Todd)!

Didn't Anna Gunn win? And the show won for Best Drama...

llrael is correct, it's from the second one, Addams Family Values. AKA ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES EVER.

I'm pretty sure people everywhere, men and women alike, are in stupid, unhealthy, unequal relationships. I don't think NYC has much to do with it.