
Nobody has mentioned Shawn Johnson yet! Hello! I know a floor routine isn't exactly the same as ballroom dancing, but come on now.

Or they could just be on steroids.

Burt, I am shocked a public figure such as yourself didn't know this. She was also Liz Lemon's bully/tormentee Kelsey Winthrop on 30 Rock's Reunion episode.

Feel free to read any further down in my comments, as you clearly did not.

Good call.

I agree, I didn't mean to make it sound like the actors are racist. I don't watch much of The League, but I do love me some Archer and its interracial porn.

Yeah, I understand and agree. They are pretty open about their terribleness and moments of racism. And like I said, the show might look different if it was going on the air now. There really has been a ramp up of diversity and inclusion focus in the last few years of television.

Frank was revealed not to be their father at the end of the same season he joined the show, so I have a hard time believing it wasn't at least being thrown around as an idea.

Uhhh. No. I meant it's probably indicative of a larger problem - who gets shows on the air (white people), who they feel should be represented on those shows (white people) etc. It sucks that after a bunch of actors and writers wrote and acted in something they wanted to do, they didn't look around and consider

Frank isn't even their biological Dad, so that excuse is a weird one for me. But the true and honest answer is, three white guys created (and write) the show for themselves to star in. So they are the stars and make up most of the main cast. That is a problem in and of itself, and there should definitely be more

Uhh, there is another college just called Amherst.

It's not actually Betty who walks in on her, it's her friend's mom, but Betty's reaction later on is super entertaining nonetheless.

Yep, and Jimmy Fallon was still in plenty of skits during his anchor time as well.

YES to Cecily Strong being Seth's co-anchor on Weekend Update! Except, does it mean that we will never see her Girl You Don't Want to Talk to at a Party!?? I will miss that so much.

Of course if a student isn't responsive you call the authorities. That wasn't really in question. Listen, we are like 99% on the same page here, as someone who used to be in higher ed it breaks my heart people think school administrations don't have students' best interests and safety in mind. You just made some

Right, I totally agree. It sucks that there's the idea schools are always working to cover this stuff up. I'm aware of why Yale was sued for Clery violations and I definitely hope they get their shit together. However they are a private and not state institution, so the mandated reporting aspect does not apply (in the

"A school is legally obligated to report sexual assaults in both Title IX and the Clery Act."

I did read your post. It said after the incident you "called the police (obviously)." I was pointing out that at my school it isn't an "obviously" situation, because it is up to the student whether or not they want to involve the police. Maybe you are at a public university so the rules are different on mandated

Just chiming in with the fact that (at least where I used to work, also at a college), it was up to the student whether or not they wanted to involve the police. Some did, some did not - it was always presented as an option. Agree it should be addressed in the scenarios.

No. It's a terrible comparison. Your other lengthy reply did nothing to disprove that. Your comments also showed you didn't really read and/or understand mine, so I'm not interested in furthering this discussion.