
Okay? I don't think anyone here was expecting to convert a Catholic. Anyway, I've lost track of what you are asking/trying to prove/etc here, so I'm tapping out. You have a good one!

I can play this game all day! I actually feel like the internet has been pretty damn harsh against Penn State and the people who did/do support Paterno, and I've heard plenty of talk about how they should shut down the football program/fire everyone involved in being complacent/covering up what happened.

I actually have not watched a single Mel Gibson movie since his shitshow began. I refuse. He disgusts me. Other stars who have been arrested or done gross shit? Sure, yeah. Probably. But comparing a few celebrities to an entire institution going back thousands of years also seems like a sad and misguided

Yup, I'm sure I do. I'm not claiming to be a saint or anything here. But I'm also pretty sure none of the companies I buy from have had such spectacularly public cover ups of their heinous crimes. And if they did, I'd stop buying from them. And if I kept buying from them, I'd be embarrassed about it, and not

Sure. Whatever helps you out.

Whatever you tell yourself is fine, I don't really care either way. I'm just telling you "emotionally hard" is a lot different than "packing up your life and relocating to a different country." Don't compare living in the US with being a Catholic in terms of displeasure with the institutions.

Come on, at least back up your arguments well. The Government/Church comparison is a terrible one.

It all makes sense now. The only shocking part of that story is that it didn't take place at Downstairs Weinstein, or Downstein, or Frownstein, or Immediate Diarrhea Land, whatever you would like to call it.


So true - I once ate a few grapes before looking down and realizing the rest were fuzzy and furry with mold. I started gagging and couldn't eat for a few days.

Yup, I know, I'm familiar with his foundation(s). Was merely pointing out this isn't a once a year endeavor for him - he's actually dedicated to the cause.

He also has raised millions for firefighters who died on 9/11, so I feel like he should get a bit of a pass here in general.

Same - I have a fantasy of winning the lottery by the time I get engaged/married, and suddenly being able to afford a Jenny Packham gown. I am OBSESSED with her bridal stuff.

Can you share? I haven't figured it out yet.

FYI you can also press the little x on the top right of trollytrollerson's comment to dismiss it!

Oh my god, that is a misleading bolding situation on that Ann-Margret bullet! I thought she died until I read over it a few times! NEVER DIE ANN-MARGRET I LOVE YOU!

Marie best expresses my feeling about this dress:

Hey now, Ming-Na is effing gorgeous, but she has been around a long ass time (ie, is pretty but not young). But yeah, everyone else on that show...

Eh, one of them was my own sister. I won't go into the circumstances, but she made it everyone's business. And generally, I do not care - as I said in another comment, people volunteer a shocking amount of this info on their own.

I mean, the first thing I said was congratulations. I wouldn't ever ask any follow ups of someone I wasn't extremely, extremely, extremely close to, and knew enough about the situation to know it was pretty fucking unexpected (a la, my own sister). But you'd also be surprised at how many people willingly share that