Fuck, I openly hate cats, but I'd never fucking hit one no matter how mad I was at it or its owner!!! What kind of person do you have to be to take out your anger on an animal??? (Answer: a terrible one)
Fuck, I openly hate cats, but I'd never fucking hit one no matter how mad I was at it or its owner!!! What kind of person do you have to be to take out your anger on an animal??? (Answer: a terrible one)
Ok! Go get your internet cookie, pal! You won!
K. I don't care enough about this series to argue it. Was just pointing out your basic reasoning for her not being a strong leader also applied to every other man gunning for the throne.
This article was their addressing of the situation. (But I mean, basically all of the comments are calling them out for dancing around it/not really apologizing/not assuming any responsibility, so maybe you already saw that article and you're still asking. I don't know.)
Oy vey ismir Katie aren't you a fellow chosen person? You've just shamed your mother and grandmother by misspelling it Yentil.
Also I haven't read the books, but how is "...expects to lead because inheritance" different from literally any one of the men on the show? Isn't that why they are ALL expecting to lead???
Add Ed Norton to that list. Notoriously hard to work with and openly complains about being forced to do publicity for movies (even ones he does like).
Feminism does not equal supporting everything other women do. I mean, there are tons of articles on these two books and the unhealthy relationships they portray, and Jezebel is full of comments ripping them apart. I mean it when I say you must not be paying attention if you've never seen feminist criticisms of these…
Philly drivers are dumb as shit in general (no offense, I'm sure you are not), and yeah, it's AMAZING how scared they are of snow. Our cousins in Philly used to get days off from school with maybe 2 inches on the ground, as we trudged through a foot or more to the bus stop.
I haven't watched/listened, but I've read that his commentaries on the Twilight DVDs are literally just ripping on the movies the entire time. And yeah, feminists (especially the ones on Jezebel) ROUTINELY call out that movie for the violence, controlling obsessive and frankly frightening relationship between Edward…
Whoa whoa, please specify this "east coast" region where people can't drive in rain/snow/ice. Cause as a Northeasterner, I can tell you we laugh our asses off when Philly/DC shut down for 1 inch of snow.
Mine was the same as you. I jumped up and went to the bathroom afterwards (I confess I was like 2% excited to see the blood - just because I had heard about it for so long! I'm in the club now!) and there was nothin. It was painless and pleasant and blood free.
Yes! The science section was basically just reading comprehension. Aka another English section.
I did wayyyy better on the ACT (and eagerly sent those scores to my dream school) - I always assumed it was because it had two Englishy sections as opposed to just one on the SAT. And I suck balls at math.
I think she was actually engaged to him at the time of his death. (It was Kidada)
Nothing. I promise.
Except that the article mentioned the second guy as well.
Standing talllllll! On the paws of my best animal friiiennndd
I've had a couple of panic attacks (I think), and they've always manifested in different ways, actually. The first one was kind of classic - racing pulse, suddenly couldn't stop crying and gasping for air for several minutes.