That's amazing. It's seriously one of my favorite movies, I watch it pretty regularly.
That's amazing. It's seriously one of my favorite movies, I watch it pretty regularly.
I've been to's a sad, sad close race. There is no winner.
I like the way they think.
It was on Howard Stern. Basically talking about how "loose" and big she was down there, or something similar. It was pretty disgusting and ridiculous, I'm sure if you google you'll find some details.
Yup, the woman he married in 2008 was the nanny to his kids with Uma. There was a lot of speculation that he cheated while still married....and definitely in his 30's.
Eh, I also have some disputing anecdotal evidence - my sisters and I were almost 9 pounds each, and my mom gained a dainty 20 lbs (she looooves to talk about how little weight she gained during pregnancy) for each of us.
Wow, did the new layout bring a new crop of trolls with it?
My friends, I am 98% sure the media thing was sarcasm. Everyone in "the media" fell over themselves loving that show, very publicly.
I personally have never even "told them so" re: Schwyzer. I just really wanted to use that clip. We need someone who is skilled at making gifs to cut it down to just the "Told ya so!" hands part.
Kinda makes me wanna...
I am a Manhattanite! I reject this shit!
I'm more curious about who the fuck sends Save the Dates for a child's birthday party.
Ditto, I've heard/read this several times.
1. Shitting is not about nourishment to a human being who cannot feed itself
Feel free to take a shit in a park across the street from my house. If you get arrested, feel free to enjoy jail.
No, honey. There are just laws against lewd behavior in my state, as well as trespassing in my front yard. Try to keep up!
I will! (Also that is actually illegal, unlike breastfeeding, but nice try on analogies! You'll tackle those SATs one day!)