
Exactly right.. It needs a smaller final gear, it will probably help a lot in getting the mpg also up if its at 2200 rpm.

My 5 speed automatic Mazda 3 keeps the revs at 3200 rpm at 80pmh and gets a mileage of 21mpg,, all the while droning into the cabin.. you are wrong all cars need 6 gears, automatic or manual..

I dont get it? there are so many others to have instead of a staid black sedan. Id think there are more options in the regular US market than this..

So they intend to go in straight lines then? cause that is going to understeer like a pig..

2011 Mazda 3S GT hatchback - the one with the 2.5l engine. Well let me explain. This is highway driving , The automatic is a 5 speed, and at around 80 mph the revs are just above 3100 rpm and that is just about when the engine starts to drone into the cabin. oh and the 21 mpg is combined , I get around 25 on the

I used to have a R55 Mini Clubman S for 2 years it was Noisy, but used to cruise at 85mph easy. It was slow but gave me 32mpg. I loved it like you would a pug, enduring all its little niggles. Right up till the point I was forced to sell it for an automatic Mazda 3. A Car that is equally noisy, and cant cruise at 85

The Z4M’s were made in Germany.. the regular z4's were american .

Lol! the Porsche Carrera GT is a luxury car?

And the R32 Nissan Skyline is the pinnacle of automotive Beauty? get your head out of your a**

Been there done that.. well maybe not in a Mclaren but a Z4M. Ended up going over a curb in a parking lot.. it sounded so bad. Had 2 lightly bruised exhaust silencers.. thats about it..

“send it” send it where? am I missing some weird millennial innuendo?

That thing looks like a bloated frog..

Never mind the dolphin, Dat ‘O’ face she has when you take your truck through the finishing line! know what I mean?

You forgot about torque steer..

Are you sure they didn’t find a board saying King ParNo?

Note to Mazda.. Don’t let Top Gear near it, cause you know they will burn it up like the cool wall..

The back looks like a Kia.. there I said it..

Would I allow this chap to haul my car that I spent my hard earned money paying off, in a thing that used to another thing and looks all rusty and ready to fall apart.. probably not. but chops for trying..

India has been in a cold war of sorts with Pakistan for over 50 years now. Pakistan and China, have occupied parts of the country and are considering them their own. We need these.. The more you know..