
Didn’t you crash a Chevy Camaro pre production mule? and get spectacular kicked out of the event?

I think I’m over old Saabs, probably because they are shitboxes that will leave you stranded on the way to work while taking a conference call over a bad bluetooth connection.

My car helped me stay sane while hurricane Sandy and its aftermath blew through New Jersey. I had 7 miles worth of gas in the tank, all gas stations around my area for miles were empty, so I could not move my car at all.

That Dihatsu mini truck in the first image.. We need more of it..

People still watch actual Cable TV?

I have been ticketed only once and its been because of an Iowa speed camera, caught me doing 17 over. from my understanding these tickets dont usually end up as points on the license.. its just a monetary fine, and thats it. I know South Dakota drivers have been explicitly told to ignore the tickets as well..

I would not, I’d buy it 6 years later when its 1/10th the price

I’ll give him an 8.5 for the jump.. the landing didn’t end too well ..

Ok why exactly does this need camo? its not like anything is left to imagination when you look at it..

Wasnt there a Bentley in that movie with Rhona Mitra, that kinda mixed Mad Max with Escape from NY/LA deal and had zombies?

Dude you Z4 ok? I saw a grey Z4 in the news yesterday up to its tail lights in water..

Fun game.. I play it on an aging Win xp laptop from some 10 years ago..

So does that mean I can type in “greedisgood” and get 500 free cars and gold?  

Some idea what cars were in the images would have probably helped with some of the more obscure cars.. imho..

What is the statute of limitations on patents these days? 20 years?

Ha Ha... So the story is pretty simple, so back in the late 80's early 90's. These were manufactured in India under license from Tempo, and for the most part what we got was the 3 wheel pickup truck version. A small amount of them were made as civilian versions as well. So when I was in the first grade, the school I

Hell yeah, I’m afraid most of them were rusting away by the time I was in the 1st grade.. but would love to see one again..

Not as awesome as the front wheel drive ( yes you read that right) tempo Hanseat I used to go to school in....

Hey Tom, do you have any tips in selling your vehicle on consignment?

Is being in the grey still a thing? and can any of you yaahoos do some actual work and get me out?