72 month used cars loans — that would be a no
72 month used cars loans — that would be a no
I think I’ll root for the underdog, We need more companies that will push for electric cars to become more prevalent..
Sigh! first world problems..
Negative equity.. yep Im in that bracket. My wife has been nagging me to get rid of my 09 Cooper Clubman with a manual and get a G37 Sedan with an Auto, that she spotted at a used car dealer for 12000, which is really cheap, considering the market value on kbb is 18K for a good one. but here is the problem I still owe…
You are wrong you want the Hakosuka..
That body with that plastic engine cover... Im imaging somebody that wears an expensive suit, not the Armani or Gucci but maybe that Tommy Hilfiger suit picked up on sale at Burlington Coat factory for 1/5th the cost, worn over Hanes boxers picket up at Wallmart..
Isn’t some part of online bullying? clearly she needs help or something, not mocking her and creating a facebook page and the sort is in such bad taste. Is this what we have become as a society?
I drive a Mini Cooper Clubman S the previous Gen, And I cant believe how much more happy I feel to drive than the rental 2017 Mitsubishi Outlander I drove recently, it was a waste for 2 people. It was a free upgrade though, so cant complain I guess..
Probably, but I had a general idea what it was..when I was comparing cost of education and converting it back to Indian rupees..
Isnt $10 US something like $5 AUS? still would probably be lower than what a custome in India pays..
Cars not manufactured in India have an 110% import duty, to protect local manufacturing companies and jobs, A car sold in India should also have a minimum of 30% local sourced parts, not any different from what America is doing, chicken tax any one? Which is why most companies bring in there vehicles a CKD kits and…
The quality is gas is quite poor.. so most cars are detuned
I actually traveled through Abu Dhabi 2 weeks ago, and they required us to turn on our laptops to prove its a laptop at security.. Id rather just check it in anyway.. too much of a hassle these days.. The TV content on Etihad was quite good . and besides they give you some pretty good booze, and you can sleep off the…
What ever happened to the Tata Marketing team? At one time they came up with a “Reclaim your Life” TV advert that was amazing. and now Tamo and RaceMo?
Thats a Toyota brah!
Yep thats going to price a lot of good cars out of the market segments they were designed for..
or 1965..
Man she is a keeper, If I did that I wouldn’t hear the end of it..I bought a new used phone.. yes a phone with the same phone number without telling here.. and she was livid..
You are not driving a manual right if this happens in traffic..