
There this:

Get well, Mort

Let me just summarize this piece real quick “Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh”

After reading this, all I can say is ... yeesh. Good luck with alllll that

Loser son? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? He might not be a good actor, but he’s not harming anyone. Is that what the Gawker websites are? A giant mean girls club? Re-think your life ...

So did I! I’m relieved it wasn’t RSL

Colin Cowherd doing three hours by himself is so much more compelling than listening to Drew and Marchman bumble their way through 53 painful minutes of this podcast. Good lord, grow up

Hooray! My favorite kind of post on Jezebel ... “Statistical survey followed by an interpretation of what men are thinking ... written by a woman.” (Grabs popcorn)

Good lord, the condescension in this piece ... yeesh. Here's a tip: Don't talk to people like they're idiots. And don't give me this "if guys weren't so stupid, we wouldn't have to." That's just being a dick.

Excellent stuff, Diana. This story is so crazy ... I really want to believe him. But, we've been let down before, sigh.

Yeah, sorry ... this piece tried too hard. Stick to television.

Don't drag Ted into this ... that movie made me laugh :)

Not for nothing, but Tracie is a total babe ... and Rich, you're handsome, too.

Good lord, you must be such a bore at a party ... are you the one lecturing people when they get another drink about the damage they're doing to their livers?

Couldn't have said it better myself. Take care of your own business and care about the people you love. That's all that matters ... good stuff.

"Despite totally fucking up her entire piece and wasting a year of her life, Flanagan has still miraculously come to a solid conclusion about Greek life, albeit one that has been bubbling up for years now."

Is there something wrong with that weird eye?

What a bush league move by the writer of this post. You included this tweet from Kayla Knapp with no context at all. What's more, you didn't have the courage to respond to her letter. This is garbage and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Tell me about it! I had a comment show up in the white on another story I commented on ... I was blown away!

You're probably kidding, but in case you aren't ... that joke would fall flat almost every time you try and use it. I'd close out of google. And I'm not insulting you, I'm just saying most people don't understand what that word means. But hey, I guess sometimes a joke is even funnier if you're the only one in the room