
His brother plays for them

Milquetoast? I prefer milk steak

Sorry, the guy filming this is a real shitstain ... and the sound of his voice is awful.

It looks like Incognito and Pouncey hug near the end of the video ... Mike doesn't seem to be bothered at all

Dude, that is definitely an e-cigarette ... you don't smoke weed, do you?

I like watching American Dad and Family Guy. I also don't appreciate being referred to as in idiot.

Your explanation makes those people sound even worse

No, it's obviously not the same, it's an exaggeration ...

Exactly! Couldn't agree with you more ... the negative comments blow me away. I think people want to hate this place and they arrive in town holding their noses. It gets annoying.

Negative vibe? Sorry, I have never seen it. And I've spent a majority of my 37 years on this planet here.

It's really not a cesspool. A vast majority of the people I knew and still know are hard-working and are as real as they come.

I get upset whenever stories like this are posted ... because it brings everyone out of the woodwork, saying things like "I hate LA, god it's such a cesspool." "Oh my god, I prefer (insert hometown here) over LA anyday. Everyone there is so fake and blah, blah, blah."

Please go back to New York ... we really don't want you out here.

Wow, congrats on calling him a bad person. Does that mean you've made your bones as a critic?

Tony never destroyed the rapist .... Dr. Melfi refused to tell him what happened, so that guy ended up getting away with it.

A post defending the royals? Gross ... come on, Kate married into a centuries-old criminal organization. Morrisey is definitely a douche, but let's not paint Kate as some innocent little flower. (But I do sympathize with morning sickness)