Hey Gita! I work at Private Division, and we’re listening to your playlist in the office today. Thanks for putting it together, lotta jams! Solidarity.
Hey Gita! I work at Private Division, and we’re listening to your playlist in the office today. Thanks for putting it together, lotta jams! Solidarity.
Seattle’s major dick transportation move is people being overly cautious to the point of endangering others. This manifests in two major ways.
-people merging onto the freeway at 40 mph
-people not “seizing the intersection” when turning left, utterly hosing everyone behind them.
Switch had Disgaea 5 as a launch title, which to my mind is the best turn-based tactical series ever!
In middle school I had a crazy dream. I was walking across the surface of an enormous magnifying glass, like at least 25 yards wide. At the edge of the glass, there was a gutter of sorts where the narrowest part of the lens abutted a larger/taller plastic ring that surrounded the enormous magnifying glass. The gutter…
Oh man hearing Kevin Calabro on that pull-up call gives me all the feels. I miss him so much, he’s the best play-by-play guy in the business.
Dicko mode
“The Tedium Is the Message”. This communications major loooooooves this so much. Excellent work as always, Tim.
Loved “Tried by 12" reference. Thanks so much, Panama! I played my 12" of it at a party a couple months ago, it still goes.
“It was just a total team debauchery,” “I am the one in charge of it. I take responsibility for it.”
Came here for this comment, was not disappointed.
Further note since I suck at Kinja, bacon grease works best for this.
I totally ripped this off the Francis Mallmann Mind of a Chef episode on Netflix, but try cutting a bunch of cherry tomatoes in half and giving them a little sear on a hot cast-iron pan. Goes great in a breakfast scramble.
My wife and I hear strangled, choking cries coming from my 8 year old’s bedroom. We get in the room about the same time to see him hanging from his neck from the inside of his nerf basketball hoop, little legs kicking in the air. He was wedged in there so tight that we had to lift both him and the hoop off the wall to…
Really enjoyed this video, best Internet I’ve seen all day. Thanks, keep ‘em coming!
I know I’m late to the party here, but no salt on the fried plantains (particularly if just eating them fresh out of the fryer)? Do a little Salt Bae action on your cooked plantains and love on that sweet and savory mix
This happened to a friend of mine in his van... Worst mess I’ve ever seen in a car is “shitbarf”. His dog came camping with us, found a friend’s untidy latrine pit (fill your holes after you use ‘em, people), consumed all the contents. Pup hopped in the van for the drive home and shortly thereafter barfed up about a…
My dad told me all about this when it happened. The Eustachian tubes connect the ears, nose, and throat, so the little shrimp migrated from my stomach, to my throat, to my nasal passages, and out my nose to freedom!
When I was a young lad, I ate seafood potato skins at a local restaurant for dinner. I immediately felt unwell, rushed to the bathroom, and yakked in the urinal.
His guest starring role on Chappelle Show’s seminal Tyron Biggums Fear Factor sketch was ok.