
...why would I be concerned about “race-mixing” when I was specifically posting their ages?

Thank you!  Stan Rogers just doesn’t get enough love.

Johnson is modeling himself on Trump, right down to the full-on mental breakdown.

Now playing

I’m late to this story, so probably no one will see this, but I have to say that the headline on this story immediately made me think of Stan Rogers’ “The Woodbridge Dog Disaster”:

Last I checked, racists are far more upset by interracial couples than by people of the same race getting married.

I can’t figure out if you’re raging against a mere 5-7 year age difference or race mixing or both. Either one isn’t very appealing....

Pretty sure “calves” is correct as adult pinnipeds are usually referred to by cattle terminology (bull, cow).

Sadly, it came out too late for Justin Trudeau to blame it for his actions.

I once proposed an opening scene for Indiana Jones 4 that I said would be the best opening scene for an Indiana Jones sequel. Here’s an updated version for IJ5 to account for the passage of time (my original version was set in Xikang province, China in 1950):

R.I.P. Petra... Fucking ISIS/ISIL

You can’t believe yourself part of the solution—which requires reducing carbon emissions, urgently on a massive scale—while still propping up and empowering oil companies, and allowing them to find new and better ways to locate, develop, and burn oil.

are you really going to defend a profit motive in a climate discussion?

Yes, but we’re in an era where journalists write nonsense like “died by suicide” to divorce the act from the actor, so that’s hardly surprising.

I’m actually rather shocked that the survival rate for a fall of that distance is so high!

Sorry, still not caring. And I’m still genuinely baffled by the idea that people are shocked that information they put on a social media network could become publicly available.

I like mine uncooked, on top of vinegared rice, and wrapped with nori.

Starred for the Watercourse recommendation.

Did people think these were healthy?!

There’s never been a single piece of marketing that said anything about “low fat” or “low cal” or any of the other diet buzz words.