
That’s an argument for better waste disposal practices, not an argument against the technology itself.

She wore a prosthetic nose to play a darker-skinned Black woman.

Thankfully, I’m pretty sure Ren & Stimpy was animated, so no “harm went into its production” unless Kricfalusi was literally using the blood of young girls in the ink or something.

Also a problem with the way history is taught is how we center white people and institutions as solving America’s racial injustices. Shit like “Lincoln freed the slaves” and “the Supreme Court ended segregation in schools.” 

In her newsletter Smart Mouth, Katherine Spiers, the former food editor at L.A. Weekly, provided an explanation for poor food reporting from an editor’s point of view. Most publications, she writes, are understaffed and rely heavily on freelancers to meet their publication quotas. The editors are often too overworked

This is something that tends to be overlooked in reporting about “artisanal” food, farmer’s markets, etc. — a major reason for the rise of processed, packaged foods in the first place was health concerns. (This is mentioned in passing in The Music Man of all places: “The Uneeda Biscuit in an air-tight sanitary package

Better yet, use real maple syrup. Real maple syrup was a product championed by quakers and abolitionists as a slavery-free form of sweetener (sugar plantations used slaves).

Interesting how racial stereotypes have no meaning when you do not have the contexts of 400 years of oppression of Black people.

I’d like to imagine this arrest leading to a trial that would expose all the failings that led to the absurd death toll, but, given the quality of the Japanese justice system, I’m not expecting much.

Dr. Lizardo, sorry, but can you let me know if you can see this comment?  I used to be a followed commenter here, but recently dropped into the grays for some reason and I’m trying to figure out if I’m actually stealth banned.

I know, right? A man can only say, “I’ll be in my bunk, so many times in a day!

That reminds me, whatever happened to Boxxy?

I’m assuming that ranking Civ II last is some sort of attempt to make this post go viral for the sheer wrongheadness of it....

Collex, sorry to bother you, but can you let me know if you can see this reply? I think I’ve gotten shadow banned again (none of my comments for the last month or so have gotten any stars or replies) for some reason, but I am trying to verify that.

What airline would show this for an in-flight movie?!?!

I don’t know that it’s been the subject of a straight up horror movie since Signs

Angrier Geek, would you be kind enough to let me know if you can see this comment? I’m trying to figure out if I’ve been shadow banned. (I don’t know why I would have been shadow banned, but none of my comments around here in the last month or so have gotten any replies or stars, which seems odd.)

Frank, sorry, but could you let me know if you can see this comment? AFAICT, none of my comments in the last month or so have received any likes or replies, which seems odd, so I’m trying to figure out if I’ve been shadow banned. (Why I would have been shadow banned, I have no clue.)