
What if, in our rush to find life, we accidentally contaminate Venus with our Earthly germs?

Proof of Extraterrestrial Life Would Be Waste, Says Person on Internet

I hate that I’m so negative about this, but why does it matter? We’ve known for years that the atmosphere is not compatible with human existence, so what is the point?

People get tired of writing shit like “Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging Plus” over and over. What’ya just want them to call it a “Ralph”? They need to call it something.  So would it be better to say the next Mars lander will be equipped with a Ralph, a Bob, and a velocirapter?

Why? NASA has a long tradition of coming up with the acronyms. It’s fun and doesn’t hurt anyone. Do you think they have to attach fewer sensors to a probe because someone spent some time coming up with a catchy acronym?

This is Hurricane Ivan, from 2004, which formed in roughly the same location as Teddy, about a week earlier. The red dots just south of the Yucatan Channel show when it was Category 5. It managed three landfalls on the US mainland, at Gulf Shores, AL (Cat3), just north of Miami (extratropical low), and the

I believe “outed”, as a verb, for being exposed, predates its use to describe someone disclosing another’s sexual orientation. 

Gay people took the word from debutante balls.  Coming out into society as a young (and available) woman (virgin) became coming out as a gay/lesbian person finally admitting to their orientation.

Decades of poor forest management; historic (i.e., extremely unusual) Santa Ana-type winds out of the northeast blowing down into the valley; tinderbox conditions in what used to be generally wet forests, even into summer months; wind-induced power line incidents.

Bold of you to take a word commonly used for many things as a word only associated with one group of people. 

It’s “Bay of Pigs”, not “Pig’s Bay”.

So I keep hearing all about QAnon this and QAnon that, but I’ve never been interested in searching for more info about it/him/them than the specific nuggets you get from associated news stories. You know, it’s one of those rabbit holes I just did not want to start down.

I worked with one of these Q people until the Corona lock down started, he basically quit and is living on disability checks now. He used to regale me with stories about Bigfoot and moon bases and he legit thinks Bill Gates is trying to microchip him right now. Social media has just enabled the slight mentally ill who

I think there’s a fair case to be made that every Star Trek character has “died” at least once only to be brought back somehow with science-magic.

People tend not to stay dead in fantasy/scifi/comic book/soap opera stories. Its a common trope. Nothing is conclusive and therefore the story can continue into infinity.

Okay, ovarian cysts usually aren’t cancerous, but sometimes they are. That risk tends to be higher in women with symptomatic cysts and those with concurrent endometriosis, which is the case with Swank. The Page Six article doesn’t give us enough information to tell whether they’re using the term malignant properly in

People with insurance should suffer because other people with bad insurance suffer, what a cool take

Not to be a jerk but that headline is just wrong wrong wrong.  Unless she has ovarian cancer - then “malignant” cysts is wrong. Malignancy means cancer.. and we all know this.. And it changes the entire nature of the lawsuit if she did in fact, have cancer - and was denied..

Well, emergency surgery for a “destroyed” ovary is mentioned, which suggests the ovary actually ruptured. That’d be a surgical emergency. If the ovary is intact but just keeps growing hideous cysts while pumping out hormones that contribute to endometriosis, that’s just excruciatingly painful, not a surgical emergency.

I am 1000% in support of Hilary here, but I wonder what treatment they denied. She had already had one ovary removed due to clinically diagnosed disease, why did they not rubber stamp the same thing for the other one and be done?