This Barrera fella appears to be a pretrial officer according to this very article.
This Barrera fella appears to be a pretrial officer according to this very article.
Okay, ovarian cysts usually aren’t cancerous, but sometimes they are. That risk tends to be higher in women with symptomatic cysts and those with concurrent endometriosis, which is the case with Swank. The Page Six article doesn’t give us enough information to tell whether they’re using the term malignant properly in…
People with insurance should suffer because other people with bad insurance suffer, what a cool take
Not to be a jerk but that headline is just wrong wrong wrong. Unless she has ovarian cancer - then “malignant” cysts is wrong. Malignancy means cancer.. and we all know this.. And it changes the entire nature of the lawsuit if she did in fact, have cancer - and was denied..
Well, emergency surgery for a “destroyed” ovary is mentioned, which suggests the ovary actually ruptured. That’d be a surgical emergency. If the ovary is intact but just keeps growing hideous cysts while pumping out hormones that contribute to endometriosis, that’s just excruciatingly painful, not a surgical emergency.
I am 1000% in support of Hilary here, but I wonder what treatment they denied. She had already had one ovary removed due to clinically diagnosed disease, why did they not rubber stamp the same thing for the other one and be done?
I just need to say that she also looks a LOT like Glenn Danzig, which ain’t gonna make the rest of her life any more enjoyable.
i think she believed her character was more than it was supposed to be. like, carrie fisher’s literal flesh and blood was in these movies and she was 4th tier. tran’s character wasnt rey, finn or poe, like luke, leia, han, so her expectations were already very high.
while i believe she received a lot of push back over…
Grothak occasionally enjoy engaging in intelligent discourse with non Lizard people.
It’s honestly a bit silly that wheelchairs are even necessary in the Marvel universe, given how advanced medicine and technology is.
Shit, the tech is there for just about everything if you stop and think about it for two seconds.
So, I get the value of inclusion but...
Can’t Tony make something to make her walk? I feel the technology is there in the universe.
I mean, they gave her teleport powers so she doesn’t even need to show up in handicap accessible places. it would be easy to give her more of a role
The fact that there wasn’t a fully-formed through line from front to back across the three films prior to handing the projects to individual directors (or simply using the same one throughout) is simply mind-boggling. It turned the whole thing into an improvisation troop.
If you’re acting in a Star Wars project involves force-wielding space knights and you are not one of the force-wielding space knights, you are a supporting character.
i loved finn and poe and rey. i did not like that he was tossed to the side for a d story with a z character who thought she was an a+ character.
Just not really well written films at any level.
“Like, you guys knew what to do with Daisy Ridley, you knew what to do with Adam Driver,”