
I love hamburgers. I’m not overly concerned with how the meat gets from a cow to my plate.

It’s been said before and it should be said again. The Constitution says absolutely nothing about ammunition.

How deep do we wanna cut here?

a cybernetically enhanced bounty hunter, was introduced in Marvel’s classic Star Wars comics back in the late ‘70s. Rendered non-canonical when Disney and Lucasfilm chucked out the old Expanded Universe

Thank you for the context.

Could neutrinos in massive abundance or something like them account for the lack of observable mass in the universe?

hoarding experimental medication while other gay men succumbed to the plague by the thousands. 

I just would have gone with a “[CITATION NEEDED]” myself....

So writers don’t have the right to ever have a bad idea, even if they eventually realize its a bad idea and abandon it? . . . You are basically blaming the writers for daring to have a bad idea. That’s not how anything works.

Given that the character “Robert Redford” didn’t exist in the original comic, as far as I can remember, I find it very strange they gave a new character the same name as a well-known celebrity.

My problem with TBBT is that none of the characters are anything more than the sum of their social disorders. They’re all walking cliches, and when the opportunity for depth is presented, it’s quickly steamrolled for another weak joke.

+1 I got into watching it because my wife already was watching it when we got married and, while it certainly isn’t great, it’s nowhere near as bad as people around tend to treat it as. (And, as someone who is very much a nerd himself, it was definitely fun sometimes catching “Easter Egg” references to various sci-fi

Unless something’s changed in the past few years, Aykroyd owns 25% of the rights to Ghostbusters, so they don’t need to offer him anything beyond making the movie and distributing it.

Physical Media is a myth!

I won’t lie — I’d watch new episodes of Code Monkeys.

As unbelievable as it may be, some people use the term “DVD” to include Blu-Ray since Blu-Ray discs for all practical purposes are just improved DVDs. It’s ridiculous to say “DVD and Blu-Ray” unless you’re talking about technical specifications or something.

All these years later it strikes me as odd that Stark, a weapons manufacturer, doesn’t know who Fury is.

Since Feige has publiclysaid Far From Home is the conclusion of Phase 3, I’m sure that means it will be included with the box set. 

Albeit with more giant robots.