
If you also include the line, “He got innocent people killed and his teammates were like ‘Oh well,’” then yes, that was pretty much every episode, at least for the first season.

They clearly mean “13th” by “final,” since they don’t have some kind of godlike knowledge that the Doctor will get handed another set of regenerations. It’s been established over and over again that 13 bodies is the limit for a normal Time Lord, so this is just another way for them to say “penultimate and final.”

While it might have been a mechanical problem, it seems more likely that he hit an uneven slab in the sidewalk or something. I’ve seen people pitched off of electric scooters several times (fortunately without serious injury) because they hit the edge of a slab that’s lifted a little too high to bump over it safely.

Counterpoint: It makes perfect sense.

To really put the cherry on top, you also needed to post the national suicide prevention hotline number.

Well “harmless” except to the extent that you don’t want mouse urine and feces in your food....

I feel like the consensus is that season 2 and 3 are better than season 1 (faster paced; greater focus on the more interesting characters), so if you found the first season reasonably enjoyable, you should definitely keep going.

Wow, I’ve actually seen every single one of these! That might be the first time I’ve ever been able to say that for an io9 films list.

Another data point for the case that humans were not, in fact, the primary culprits in causing the North American megafauna extinctions!

Also true of Earth and its moon.

Per the link, that $38.20 figure is for “overall average unit value reported for all pumice and pumicite products.” The value specifically for “building and decorative blocks” was $17.60 per metric ton and for “horticulture and landscaping pumice” was $24.60 per metric ton. There’s not a value breakout for other

+1 The Mythbusters tested using different sized quadcopters with sharpened blades as a weapon. IIRC, the only one that came close to being effective was their camera rig drone, which was so large and heavy that it would do serious damage being slammed into a person even if the blades weren’t sharpened.

Yes, I posted a link up-thread that shows the US market price of pumice in 2016 was only $38.20 per metric ton. Nobody’s getting rich off that.

In all seriousness, who has mineral rights to the pumice raft? The country’s shore it lands upon? There’s money in that.

Is there anyone who thinks Gygax is the sole or even majority creator of D&D? It seems to me that Gygax has always been a synecdoche for the numerous creative minds behind the game and that his name is just the best known because of his role in successfully commercializing the product (which this article doesn’t seem

I’ve been voting for gender swapped clone since before TLJ came out, so I endorse your post.

Yes, Rey as a clone would be Abrams retconning the cave scene to be something more meaningful than what Johnson intended it as, which I’m completely OK with.

(plus some non-genre stuff like Gunsmoke)

Hard to blame MTV for wanting to continue to exist, though. They could roll the dice on playing music videos. Of course, I could also go onto YouTube and watch damn near every music video ever made, without ever having to sit through a song I don’t like, all for free, with limited ad interruption (no interruption if