
SECOND OBJECTION: The back half of RotS is excellent!

There are no good parts in that movie.

Yes, I also muted the narration when showing it to others (including on VHS tape too). I just don’t think the Strangers’ nature is really THE twist in the movie such that it spoils anything to know it from the start because the movie makes amply clear within the first ten minutes that the Strangers aren’t human (when

The only explanation I can come up with is that they were merely in another level of the Matrix. We have to go deeper, and all that.

Hey, Reloaded was a pretty good movie!

While I would have preferred the reveal about the nature of the Strangers to come later, it really didn’t hurt the movie too badly to have it in the narration at the beginning.

Nothing [c/g]old can stay!

Yes, it seems extremely bizarre to declare that 1990s was the era of “the blandest content on the airwaves[.]” For those of us who started watching television in the 1970s, the 1990s was characterized by the flourishing of innovative programming of the sort that networks executives historically would have killed on

Pfft, amateur! I superheat mine until it reaches plasma state and then combine it with an equal mass of anti-plasma so that the entire thing is converted to pure energy.

+1 This is why I generally disagree with the Cult of the Short Season — it leads to an excessive focus on “throughline” that sacrifices both realism (the characters are just constantly engaged in activities that drive the plot) and interesting opportunities for worldbuilding, naturalistic character interactions, etc.

Yeah, I was surprised not to see at least a reference to the Darkstars in the original post. It was a great book and I particularly liked it when the Controllers recruited John Stewart to be the new Darkstars administrator.

Darth Harrison.

I’m convinced Blond Katy is the evil twin.

I think that’s what makes it “weird,” as a stated by Julie.

The date chosen is Tisha B’Av, a Jewish holiday that is both a fast day and an occasion for mourning disasters that have struck Jewish people throughout history, starting with the destruction of both Solomon’s Temple and the later Second Temple in Jerusalem.

I’ll pray for you that this doesn’t get cross-posted to Jezebel.

Anyone else get the feeling that people start those “Chibnall and Whittaker quit DW!” rumours because they really, REALLY want them to be true?

An excuse to “flush away” expertise so Trump and his followers can create a “deep state” of their own for decades to come.

If so, he deserves some sort of prize for sheer effort!