
the nearly as forgettable “The Final Countdown”

Suzanne Pleshette’s been dead for 11 years, so that would definitely be a twist that takes the film into a whole other genre.

The only thing that bothers me is at 1:03 where the afterburners are lit, and then it shows him in the cockpit hammering the throttle before being launched.

Most of the male cats — Rum Tum Tugger, Mr. Mephistopheles, Bustopher Jones, Mungo Jerrie, and Rumpleteazer (although I don’t know if the film might be gender swapping one of Mungo Jerrie or Rumpleteazer like they seem to have done in the stage production)don’t appear to be wearing pants or other clothing that

Rum Tum Tugger doesn’t care for a cuddle? they’re still making bank of the play itself, don’t it want to compete with itself. >_>

I considered the part about targeting the exits, but you’d still think there would be sprinkler systems. Also, the building appears to have a balcony on the roof in the pictures, so even if the exits were completely blocked on the ground floor, why weren’t people able to go up to at least get out of the smoke?

And an anime studio so lots of paper and other flammable materials.

Being an adult non-hummingbird west coaster,and therefore having never heard of/had this soda

I’m tellin’ ya’, the man is a chameleon!

Would the kids have gotten it anyway (without help)?

Well, now he’s free to be cast as a DCU character. I’m thinking he’d make an awsome Constantine.

My wife isn’t a comics nerd either, but she saw the twist coming because she thought Peter was getting too close to Beck too quickly, which made it more obvious that Beck was going to make a turn later.

His presence in Homecoming kept me from really 100% enjoying it as a Spiderman movie because it was just too much.

“After the animal is hurt once badly, they are hypersensitive and try to protect themselves for the rest of their lives,” said senior author Greg Neely . . . . “That’s kind of cool and intuitive.” 

but it’s worth noting that he had already attempted to take his own life on several instances...before meeting her.

Truly “absolute”? None. But the US and a handful other countries have constitutions or other governing documents that start from the proposition that speech (and the press) should never be regulated and those governments have to push uphill to justify why any restrictions are justified.

Yeah, it seems veryodd to do a piece on sour candies and not mention SweeTarts.

Microsoft hosts the website for Alliance Defending Freedom, likely the most influential anti-LGBT legal advocacy group in the country. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represented the Colorado baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple and pushed rules to deliberately expose LGBT people to

And I’m not sure if it’s a cultural norm in SoCal, but in my neck of the woods, the right side of the escalator is for people that want to stand, so if you don’t plan on walking up or down, try to follow that rule to let more time-pressed people pass.