
I didn’t read the post (I’m not going to SDCC) — I just came here to say that I want to marry that GIF.

Thank you for the explanation.  That one was a bit too obscure for me to recognize.

By “original trilogy,” do you mean “prequel trilogy”?

According to Wikipedia, the Jordanian constitution is supposed to respect the right to freedom of speech

Why did you say that name?!?!!?

I don’t think of Kate McKinnon when I think of the term “physical comedian” though.

It may take place even earlier — there’s no reason to believe that The Snap scene occurs immediately after the end of the film proper. Presumably it must have taken them some amount of time to retrofit the Quantum Tunnel into the back of a van.

Plus Ant-Man and the Wasp, which came out after Infinity War but ends with the “Snappening.”

I really can’t imagine paying for a classical streaming service at a price equivalent to buying one or more classical CDs per month. I either listen to my local classical station, choose a classical composer on Pandora’s free service, listen to something available on Amazon Prime, or listen to an autorip version of a

+1 It’s absolutely the communication channels that are the problem. The example I always give is the chain of things that had to happen for someone to hypothetically give feedback to a writer on ST:TOS back in 1968:

thanks to Kenneth Branagh’s movie being the version most often shown in schools, you can bet many a high schooler has come away thinking that “Hamlet wants to bang his mom” is the text

I thought the story as depicted in the sample artwork looked interesting. It’s a shame it had to be interspersed with an interview that reads in many parts like a parody of progressives discussing gentrification.

Sadly, i must report that Qdoba is still ubiquitous in much of the country.

Yes, but when does the Phase 3 collector’s edition box set drop?  I need one to go with my SHIELD briefcase for Phase 1 and the Orb for Phase 2....

Or at least give the error message, “Press play on tape.”

This season takes place pre-Endgame, right? Thanos Copter confirmed!!!!11!!!!111!one

Terminating the standalone Vertigo imprint doesn’t preclude making a Sandman adaptation.

You have to be an asshole on your best days, to be namor.

That’s next on the team’s radar.