
Removing his clothes would suggest an accident rather than a suicide, as it’s uncommon for suicide victims to undress. (Only about 5-8% of suicides involve the victim being undressed according to this: )

I mean all the guys shrieking “STOP TRYING TO MAKE EVERYTHING GAY!!! CAN’T TWO MEN JUST BE FRIENDS???” when no-one here is claiming otherwise.

Note that can be read as much as a condemnation of the woman for stereotyping as an endorsement of reading the characters as gay.

I agree that their relationship as depicted in the show definitely comes across as “warmer” than it did in the book.  I think that’s at least partially a function of including more backstory about their interactions over the centuries.

So we’re looking at two entities with an underlying biology that is veeeery different.

Sorry, but close non-sexual male friendships are no longer permissible.

I always think of Iron Man 1 and 2 with this. The first one is seen as a classic, but it’s deeply sexist.

Yeah, but that’s not really disproving my point. Queen’s highest charting album of all time in the U.S. according to Billboard was The Game (peaking at # 1 — their only album to ever do so), released in June 1980, but their next regular album, Hot Space, released in May 1982, only reached # 22 in the US, and no

I would be fine with that, but, as I noted in an earlier comment, the OP literally says, What space is not, and will never be, is the key to saving our species.” (Emphasis added.)

The people WILL demand Planety McPlanet Face and we will not be denied by your “vetting” or your “rules”.

Do you actually know if there was a hook in that case? In a lot of public restroom stalls I’ve been in, the hook on the stall door has been ripped off.

I don’t use Venmo, but, if I did, I absolutely would link it to a credit card because I want as few things as possible to have direct access to my bank account in the event of a data breach or other hacking incident.

1984 was past Queen’s peak. Think Thriller-era Michael Jackson instead.

The campaign that sprang up in the last 48 hours or so over the Crowder/Maza fight really is unmasking the goal of driving all “non-approved” content off of social media, because, while Crowder’s statements are indeed rude, homophobic, and racist, they also are extremely mild as those things go — there’s no call for

What are you fishing for with wanting to be remembered as a good tipper?

+1 for more thorium reactor research. If I were a billionaire, that’s what I would be spending my money on to promote.

Baking bacon is the best way to make large quantities of bacon at one time, but it’s nowhere near as tasty as pan frying....

Holy crap, I would have gotten that right!

Now playing

I suspect the unicorn bit was intended as a reference to “The Unicorn Song” by the Irish Rovers (which I’m sure, as a Brit, Gaiman would be familiar with).