
And visit it too!

Wow, I agree that’s what it says, but I’m rather incredulous that they used a forty pound weight in most, if any, of those scenes unless Newton is crazy strong.

I saw the film last weekend and was really impressed with the rendering of the fur on Pikachu and a lot of the other CGI was surprisingly good for a kid’s film. My only big critique off the top of my head is that they clearly didn’t give Kathryn Newton (who played Lucy) an object with anything near an appropriate weigh

There are only two, I guess you could say “marginal,” lyrics in “Supernova” that I can think of in terms of using it in a PG-13 film and those could easily have been engineered around by just dropping the volume on the music for a bit of dialogue from the characters. (I sadly can’t remember a specific example, but I’m

“Song 2" was absolutely where my mind went as an obvious candidate. On the other hand, the two previous films have gone with more “adult contemporary” style songs rather than super high energy.

Rogue One is not really a “deep cut” movie. It has Tarkin, Vader, Leia, and the Death Star, which is central to the plot

He does love it, but when Aykroyd is stumping for anything Ghostbusters-related, I always feel that it’s worth pointing out that (1) Aykroyd owns 25% of the rights to the franchise and (2) as a result, he quite likely has made more money from the franchise than literally everything else he’s ever done combined, so

The book is screamingly funny. I seriously recommend not reading it in public places because you’ll be reading along and suddenly laugh out loud and it will be awkward.

As MST3K said so long ago:

Yeah, the running is just kind of weird, but some of the jumps are actually pretty amazing.

Piers Anthony beat them to that pun by probably a decade or more:

Let me guess — you’re also the guy who says, “Don’t you know he was a child molester,” when someone nearby is humming a Michael Jackson song.

Right, that’s far and away the biggest problem with TLJ’s structure — it would have worked fine as the first film in a series or the last film in a series, but it’s lousy as part 2 of a trilogy and absolutely terrible as the 8th film in a 9 film series. We should be seeing the themes, plot lines, and characters

The character is “minor” in the sense that the actual character (as compared to references to her or quotations from her) only appears on a few pages and that appearance isn’t even directly relevant to the plot. I don’t object to doing that segment in live action, but the woodcuts solution the producers suggested

Well, yes, there are many problems with TLJ that are independent of anything to do with TFA, but I was just responding to your second paragraph.

The new trilogy isn’t that. It presented Rey as a mystery that can and should be speculated about, the same for Snoke, the same for the New Order in general, the same for the Skywalker treasure map, the same, really, for the general political makeup of the galaxy. There was always going to be fan expectation, but the

Giant ammonites were a real thing, so not necessarily impossible....

The making of Detective Pikachu used up the entire Colombian crop for the last two years, so there’s a shortage for other productions.

The first cut is the deepest, as they say.

I have no objections to the show itself, but I really, really hate the thing lately of releasing B&W versions of color material (see also, e.g., Fury Road). B&W film making is an art in and of itself and the color and lighting choices for something that is going to be shot in native B&W are quite different than