Yay, I guess? I mean, um, good job, but was there really a “video gaming mystery” here to begin with?
Yay, I guess? I mean, um, good job, but was there really a “video gaming mystery” here to begin with?
I’m looking forward to the post next week from another A.V. Club writer complaining that 100% of the actors cast as Henry V in feature films have been white males.
Speaking for myself, I’m not watching Altered Carbon because all the reviews mentioned how bloody it was and if TV reviewers these days think something is “bloody,” that means it’s so graphic that I would probably either vomit or pass out from shock while watching it.
Years ago, my father and I discussed how Warhol’s dictum needed to be updated — “In the future everyone will still be famous for fifteen minutes, but those minutes may be non-consecutive and/or will be on a website or narrowcast TV outlet with a half dozen viewers.”
Possibly the best use of this GIF ever....
When I read the original post I actually thought to myself, “Oh, this is one of these occasions that Jewish people get to be counted as ‘white,’” but I figured I would let someone else make that point.
Yes, I wouldn’t be surprised if, for example, Taika Waititi gets tapped to direct one of the anthology films given the success of Thor: Ragnarok.
I liked Star Wars a lot better, for example, when it was a 1958 samurai movie starring Toshiro Mifune and directed by Kurosawa.
Except this post was expressly complaining about direction and writing, not casting. And since Star Wars is not set in our galaxy, the characters are not culturally “WASP” or “African-American” or “Chinese,” so there’s no argument that a PoC director/writer would have a “better understanding” of how to direct or write…
OK, I don’t know anything so I’ll have to take your word for it. I’m just going off the fact that I’ve had the misfortune to have prolonged interaction with some people who were rather obsessed with musical “virtuosity,” and while they might discuss the guitar techniques of Eric Clapton and Stevie Ray Vaughn for…
Starred for the implicit Jango Fett acknowledgement.
Of course, if Star Wars is “a series that’s been so fundamental to so many people of all walks of life,” that calls into question why the lack of diversity is a problem. I mean, if Kennedy wants to hire more women or non-white people to work on the franchise, that’s great, but it’s silly to act as though the…
Isn’t this just trading Russian interference in our elections for Canadian interference in our social media? Or have we all forgotten Jim Carrey’s true origins?
Yes, and a lot of them also held views on various issues (especially those relating to sexual orientation/gender identity) that would be deemed unacceptable today. Google “Friedan lavender menace” or “Martin Luther King advice for living homosexuality”.
Is there anyone who ever claimed that the Beatles were particularly good singers or talented with their instruments? Because I can’t remember hearing such a claim before.
Let me guess: during the Christmas season you’re also the guy who smugly posts about how your family doesn’t exchange gifts but just gets together to have a big dinner, right?
Eh. I was alive then and if you had asked me who Tom Landry was, I could have told you he was involved with football somehow, but I couldn’t have told you the specific team to save my life. (And I would have guessed he was a quarterback, rather than a coach, off the top of my head.)
See also Caine, Michael.
While I’m a bigger fan of Eric than Julia, I’m rather skeptical that Julia Roberts is going to be “forgotten” in the foreseeable future. The fact that people can still make Pretty Woman references and jokes without needing to give an explanation about what the film was is good evidence of that.
For some reason I always confuse C. Thomas Howell with Thomas Haden Church....